Glossary > Platform Score

Platform Score

The platform score is a computed score from 0 to 100 for investment platforms. The goal of the platform score is to highlight platforms that demonstrate continued support for helping people invest for retirement.

Since this is specifically for retirement, the metrics we use to score platforms favor those who encourage long-term, diversified, low-fee, tax-optimized investing – the same criteria we focus on in The Minimal Investor Course. Platforms that encourage day trading will rank lower. Platforms that allow day trading AND retirement investing will be at the top.

Here’s a breakdown of how we score each investment platform. Some of these scores are subjective. That means that Minafi decides the score. Others are objective, which means they’re driven by an algorithm based on facts and can’t be changed. The total score is a combination of some subjective scores and some objective scores.

Criteria Percent
Minafi Rating (subjective) 20%
Usability Score (subjective) 10%
Fee Score (objective) 20%
Age Score (objective) 5%
Trust Score (subjective) 20%
Retirement Score (objective) 10%
JD Power Rating (if available) (objective) 20%
Total 105%
We’ll scale this up to be out of 100% based on what we review for each platform. If they don’t have a JD Power rating, we’ll scale up the 85% to be out of 100%.

Minafi Rating – We’ll rank each platform on a scale of 1-10, with 0.5 increments. We’ll multiply that score by 2 to generate the percentage out of a possible 20. This is an overall takeaway of this platform with all things considered. A platform may have very high fees and a high rating if they prove them out. Likewise, a low-cost platform might have a low rating if it’s unusable.

Usability Score – How easy is this site to use on a scale of 1-10. A site can be amazing with everything perfect, but you never want to log in you’re not going to want to invest there.

Fees – How much you spend on fees has a massive impact on your long-term investing prospects. Your fees are based on how much you would pay for a diversified portfolio on a $1,000 portfolio, a $100,000 portfolio, and a $1,000,000 portfolio, summed up each year compared to other platforms.

For example, at Vanguard, you would pay a $20 account fee for the $1,000 portfolio, but no account fee after that. You’d pay $0 on Vanguard mutual fund and ETF trades, but would have an average expense ratio of around 0.10%. That gives $21 + $100 + $1,000 = $1,121 in total fees.

We compare that number with other platforms to figure out their “percentile”. If they’re in the 100th percentile, then they have the lowest fees in their category and would get all 20%. If they have the highest fees, they’re in the 0th percentile and would get 0%.

For the expense ratio, we use a few guidelines:

  • The average expense ratio of a 3-fund portfolio using this platforms US stock market fund, an international fund, and a general bond fund.
  • An additional 0.5% expense each year if this platform encourages day trading (for tax purposes), or lacks retirement account options (again, for taxes).

One caveat here: You could pick individual stocks and have a much lower fee than we estimate. This would be possible if you buy and hold for decades in a platform designed for day trading.

The portfolio used for fee purposes looks like this:

  • Under $200,000 invested
    • A target-date fund that’s 30 years away.
  • Over $200,000 invested
    • 50% US Stock Market Index Fund
    • 30% International Index Fund
    • 20% Total Bond Fund

For each, I’ll choose the lowest cost index fund that’s either: recommended by the platform, or that I can purchase through their exchange.

If a platform doesn’t have its own funds (Robinhood, Webull, etc), then we’ll use a constant expense ratio of 0.25%. Yes, it’s possible to get lower fees if you put all your money into a fund like $VTI. Many people getting started will try lots of things before eventually settling on a long-term portfolio. This expense represents that uncertainty & education when a platform doesn’t help get you there.

For example, here’s a look at the funds used for Vanguard and Fidelity.

Vanguard Fidelity
Target-Date Fund $VFIFX (0.15%) $FFFHX (0.75%)
US Fund $VTSAX (0.04%) $FZROX (0%)
International Fund $VTIAX (0.11%) $FZILX (0%)
Bond Fund $VBTLX (0.05%) $FXNAX (0.025%)
Under $200k fees 0.15% 0.75%
Over $200k fees 0.063% 0.025%

Based on these fees, we create a matrix of how much it would cost to invest on these platforms at different investment levels ($1k, $100k, $1m) and 3 different time horizons (1y, 10y 30y) with a consistent 7% a year growth.

Given that, we can see how this platforms fees compare at different prices points and different time horizons. Take a look at these two examples:

Given this matrix, you can see the estimated fees and expenses for investing $1,000 for 1 year would be $4. On the opposite end, investing $1,000,000 for 30 years would result in $247,687 in fees and expenses.

Unlike the first matrix, this one has much higher fees on the low end, but lower fees once you have more invested. Depending on your time horizon and how much you have invested, this can help you figure out which would cost you the least money.

Company Age – Would you rather give all of your money to a company that was started yesterday or one that was started in 1982? This percentage compares the type of platform (self-guided, Robo advisor, advisor) with others of the same type for their age. The oldest company gets all 10 points, while the newest company would get 0 points. Companies in the middle get a percentage based on their order.

Trust Score – Minafi’s score on a scale of 0 (most shady) to 10 (least shady) for this platform. This takes into account what each platform pushes for its users to invest in, the fees charged for these recommendations, and an overall take on how much this platform is optimized to take your money.

Retirement Score – Minafi’s score on a scale of 0 to 10 for how focused this platform is on helping you invest for retirement. This takes into account what types of retirement accounts they offer, what investments they encourage purchasing, whether they recommend day trading or other activities that might result in higher taxes.

Trust score also takes into account decisions made by the company over time that impact investors on its platform. Does this platform have a history of shady decisions that limit choices? Have they adjusted prices upward? Do they encourage you to make more trades so they can make money? All of these contribute to a platforms trust score.

What is a Good Rating?

Minafi ratings are constantly changing as we learn more about each platform. It’s possible to use the lowest-rated platform and invest in the same things as the highest-rated platform.

Ratings aren’t proportional. Comparing a platform with a score of 80% with another with a score of 40% doesn’t mean one platform is twice as good as the other.

Instead, look at most platforms in the same +/- 10% as having similar characteristics. For example, M1 Finance and Betterment have similar scores, but very different offerings.

These scores are purely for educational purposes and does not imply an endorsement for any platform.

Courses Mentioning Platform Score

Here are all 10 courses that mention Platform Score here on Minafi.

The Minimal Investor

Learn everything you need to know to invest for the rest of your life.

10 Lessons Basic about 3 hours 1,283 students

Bonds Stocks Taxes Investing
How to Make Money in the Stock Market

It's not about constantly monitoring the market and making trades. Learn how long-term investors grow their wealth without the need to constantly monitor them.

7 Lessons Basic about 1 hour

Bonds Stocks Investing
1 free
Why Should You Invest In the Stock Market?

A deep dive into why the stock market is one of the easiest and safest investments you can make.

7 Lessons Basic about 2 hours

Stocks Investing
1 free
The Four Pillars of Investing

Compound interest, diversification, fees and taxes make up the core pillars of a solid investing strategy.

7 Lessons Advanced about 1 hour

Compound Interest Diversification Fees Bonds Stocks Taxes Investing
1 free
How To Choose The Right Fund

Let's take everything we've learned and put it together. We'll analyze a number of funds and go through the process of how to narrow funds down to the one that's just right for you.

3 Lessons Intermediate 23 minutes

Diversification Fees Bonds Stocks Taxes Investing
Members Only
Create Your Ideal Asset Allocation

Plan out what funds you'll invest in and in which accounts for maximized diversification and tax-efficiency.

6 Lessons Intermediate about 2 hours

Bonds Stocks Investing
1 free
Make Your Investment

Open any accounts you need to invest and make your actual investments.

7 Lessons Advanced about 2 hours

Bonds Stocks Investing
4 free
Ditch Your Financial Advisor

If you're currently investing with a financial advisor, managing your own money can save you a bunch over a lifetime.

3 Lessons Advanced about 2 hours

Advisor Investing
1 free
Plan Your Future

Make a plan for how you'll invest your time going forward.

10 Lessons Intermediate about 3 hours 1,799 students

Financial Independence Mindfulness
6 free
Retire in Style

Create a plan for how you'll withdraw funds from your accounts.

8 Lessons Basic about 2 hours 2,346 students

Mindset Retirement Taxes
3 free

Articles Mentioning Platform Score

Here are all 283 articles that mention Platform Score here on Minafi.

Advertiser Disclosure

Written by Adam on July 28, 2017.

Here’s Why You Feel Exhausted: A Look at Thinking vs Doing
Here’s Why You Feel Exhausted: A Look at Thinking vs Doing

Written by Adam on April 25, 2021. 6 comments.

Personal Mindfulness Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
11 Mistakes Made By First-Time Investors
11 Mistakes Made By First-Time Investors

Written by Adam on March 19, 2018. 2 comments.

Investing Blog Canonical
Privacy Policy

Written by Adam on May 6, 2018.

Handling Blame
Handling Blame

Written by Adam on August 15, 2016.

Mindfulness Blog

Written by Adam on October 4, 2018.

There is No Such Thing as a Minimalist Life
There is No Such Thing as a Minimalist Life

Written by Adam on January 5, 2018. 6 comments.

Minimalism Blog
Exploring the Compound Interest Formula through Examples
Exploring the Compound Interest Formula through Examples

Written by Adam on December 13, 2017. 4 comments.

Financial Independence Investing Blog Canonical
How Many Stocks Should You Own In Your Portfolio?
How Many Stocks Should You Own In Your Portfolio?

Written by Adam on March 14, 2021.

Invest Blog Minafi Canonical
Why the S&P 500 Is the Single Best Investment You Can Make

Written by Adam on June 7, 2020.

November / December 2017 Goals & Moving Status!
November / December 2017 Goals & Moving Status!

Written by Adam on December 1, 2017. 11 comments.

Personal Goals Blog
Investment Literacy: Understanding the Basic Concepts
Investment Literacy: Understanding the Basic Concepts

Written by Adam on August 6, 2016.

Financial Independence Investing Blog Canonical
How A Basic Investing Mistake Cost Me $250,000 (and I Still Made it Twice)
How A Basic Investing Mistake Cost Me $250,000 (and I Still Made it Twice)

Written by Adam on September 30, 2019. 12 comments.

Personal Investing Blog Minafi Canonical
A Day of FIRE – Expectation vs Reality
A Day of FIRE – Expectation vs Reality

Written by Adam on May 13, 2019. 8 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
The Focused Investor 4 – Lily from Merry For Money on Confident Investing
The Focused Investor 4 – Lily from Merry For Money on Confident Investing

Written by Adam on March 11, 2019. 1 comment.

Investing Blog
Earning Time
Earning Time

Written by Adam on January 24, 2018. 2 comments.

Mindfulness Minimalism Investing Blog
Top 21 Zip Codes for Real Estate Investing in 2021
Top 21 Zip Codes for Real Estate Investing in 2021

Written by Adam on March 19, 2021.

Investing Spotlight
How Are Bonuses Taxed? (with Bonus Calculator)
How Are Bonuses Taxed? (with Bonus Calculator)

Written by Adam on September 24, 2018. 4 comments.

Interactive Taxes Blog Minafi Canonical
Introducing the Minafi Salt Lake City Early Retirement Community!
Introducing the Minafi Salt Lake City Early Retirement Community!

Written by Adam on April 1, 2019. 1 comment.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
Medium Journaling is Minimalism
Medium Journaling is Minimalism

Written by Adam on June 26, 2017.

Minimalism Blog
2010 Year in Review
2010 Year in Review

Written by Adam on January 1, 2011. 1 comment.

Personal Blog
My Goals For 2021
My Goals For 2021

Written by Adam on December 27, 2020. 4 comments.

Personal Goals Blog
Why I Avoid Dividends Like the Plague
Why I Avoid Dividends Like the Plague

Written by Adam on August 13, 2018. 15 comments.

Personal Investing Taxes Blog Minafi Canonical
Minimalism is Learning to Accept Losses
Minimalism is Learning to Accept Losses

Written by Adam on November 21, 2018.

Minimalism Blog Minafi
My Reaction to the 2008 Recession and Why I Still Invest in Bonds
My Reaction to the 2008 Recession and Why I Still Invest in Bonds

Written by Adam on July 17, 2017. 3 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Canonical

Written by Adam on April 13, 2021.

Improve Your Focus By Setting Monthly Goals
Improve Your Focus By Setting Monthly Goals

Written by Adam on June 28, 2017.

Mindfulness Blog
My Favorite 66 Books Read in 2017
My Favorite 66 Books Read in 2017

Written by Adam on January 8, 2018. 11 comments.

Personal Blog
7 Lessons and 2 Mistakes From My First 3 Months of Early Retirement
7 Lessons and 2 Mistakes From My First 3 Months of Early Retirement

Written by Adam on March 18, 2019. 6 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
7 Things Learned in My First Month of Early Retirement
7 Things Learned in My First Month of Early Retirement

Written by Adam on January 28, 2019. 16 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
Find Your Irresistible Staircase to Early Retirement
Find Your Irresistible Staircase to Early Retirement

Written by Adam on May 7, 2018. 5 comments.

Minimalism Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
July 2017: Monthly Goals
July 2017: Monthly Goals

Written by Adam on July 1, 2017.

Personal Goals Blog
Which Accounts Should You Use to Invest for Retirement? [Interactive]
Which Accounts Should You Use to Invest for Retirement? [Interactive]

Written by Adam on September 21, 2020. 7 comments.

Investing Interactive Calculators Personal Finance Blog Minafi Canonical
Stoicism In the Time of a Market Virus
Stoicism In the Time of a Market Virus

Written by Adam on March 16, 2020. 5 comments.

Mindfulness Investing Personal Finance Blog Minafi Canonical
2019 Federal Tax Brackets – What Rate Will You Pay?
2019 Federal Tax Brackets – What Rate Will You Pay?

Written by Adam on December 17, 2018. 6 comments.

Taxes Blog Canonical
A Look Back at My First Year of FIRE
A Look Back at My First Year of FIRE

Written by Adam on December 14, 2019. 27 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
How Speculative Investing (No, Not $GME) Brought Me Closer to FI
How Speculative Investing (No, Not $GME) Brought Me Closer to FI

Written by Adam on January 26, 2018. 15 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Investing Blog Canonical
Calculate Your FI Number With State and Federal Taxes (It’s More Than You Think)
Calculate Your FI Number With State and Federal Taxes (It’s More Than You Think)

Written by Adam on April 18, 2021. 11 comments.

Financial Independence Interactive Taxes Calculators Blog Minafi Canonical
Arkk [internal]

Written by Adam on February 3, 2021.

Funds Fund Review
Do You Need Luck to Reach Financial Independence and Retire Early?
Do You Need Luck to Reach Financial Independence and Retire Early?

Written by Adam on January 14, 2019. 1 comment.

Personal Mindfulness Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
What is Financial Independence?
What is Financial Independence?

Written by Adam on September 18, 2016.

Financial Independence Blog Canonical
Why I Turned Down Double My Salary
Why I Turned Down Double My Salary

Written by Adam on April 9, 2018. 7 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Minafi
Press, Podcast and Blog Appearances

Written by Adam on October 8, 2019.

October / November 2017 Goals & Moving Announcement!
October / November 2017 Goals & Moving Announcement!

Written by Adam on November 1, 2017. 18 comments.

Personal Goals Blog
How to Listen to 100 Audiobooks a Year
How to Listen to 100 Audiobooks a Year

Written by Adam on July 19, 2017. 2 comments.

Goals Blog
Digital Minimalism Review and My Month Without Social Media
Digital Minimalism Review and My Month Without Social Media

Written by Adam on April 22, 2019. 9 comments.

Personal Minimalism Blog adamfortuna
What Are You Accidentally Accumulating?
What Are You Accidentally Accumulating?

Written by Adam on August 28, 2017. 2 comments.

Minimalism Blog
My 2021 Year in Review
My 2021 Year in Review

Written by Adam on March 1, 2022. 3 comments.

Personal adamfortuna
Calculators & Interactive Articles

Written by Adam on May 4, 2020.

My 2019 Year in Review
My 2019 Year in Review

Written by Adam on December 31, 2019. 11 comments.

Personal Blog
All You Need is Less
All You Need is Less

Written by Adam on August 20, 2018. 4 comments.

Personal Minimalism Blog adamfortuna
My Favorite Blogs
My Favorite Blogs

Written by Adam on March 27, 2019.

Why I’m Glad I Didn’t Learn About FIRE in My 20s
Why I’m Glad I Didn’t Learn About FIRE in My 20s

Written by Adam on September 23, 2019. 7 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
March 2018 Goals Review – Slow Movement
March 2018 Goals Review – Slow Movement

Written by Adam on March 30, 2018. 1 comment.

Personal Goals Blog adamfortuna
Mint vs YNAB – Which Budgeting App is Right For You?
Mint vs YNAB – Which Budgeting App is Right For You?

Written by Adam on May 16, 2019. 12 comments.

Featured Personal Finance Blog Minafi Canonical

Written by Adam on September 24, 2016.

Minimalism Blog
Pay Fewer Fees by Reverse Engineering Retirement Date Funds
Pay Fewer Fees by Reverse Engineering Retirement Date Funds

Written by Adam on March 22, 2018. 16 comments.

Investing Blog Canonical
Minafi 2018 Q3 Fall Investment Report
Minafi 2018 Q3 Fall Investment Report

Written by Adam on October 15, 2018. 13 comments.

Personal Investing Blog Minafi Canonical
The 6 People Who Inspire Me The Most
The 6 People Who Inspire Me The Most

Written by Adam on August 31, 2017.

Personal Mindfulness Blog
Minafi 2019 Q3 Fall Investment Report
Minafi 2019 Q3 Fall Investment Report

Written by Adam on October 21, 2019. 8 comments.

Personal Investing Blog Minafi Canonical
My Top 10 Favorite Posts on Minafi from 2017
My Top 10 Favorite Posts on Minafi from 2017

Written by Adam on December 29, 2017.

Personal Meta Blog Canonical

Written by Adam on December 10, 2019.

Creating an Identity Bridge for Early Retirement
Creating an Identity Bridge for Early Retirement

Written by Adam on February 25, 2019. 6 comments.

Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
Photos – Japan

Written by Adam on April 13, 2021.

My Favorite Books

Written by Adam on November 3, 2019.

21 Activities To Keep You Focused On Your Future [or to help during social distancing]
21 Activities To Keep You Focused On Your Future [or to help during social distancing]

Written by Adam on March 23, 2020. 7 comments.

Mindfulness Blog Minafi Canonical
Three Years of Early Retirement – Mindset Changes and Realizations
Three Years of Early Retirement – Mindset Changes and Realizations

Written by Adam on December 30, 2021. 16 comments.

Personal Mindfulness Blog Spotlight Minafi Canonical
Want Streaks
Want Streaks

Written by Adam on August 21, 2016.

Minimalism Blog
February 2018 Goals – Use Everything
February 2018 Goals – Use Everything

Written by Adam on February 2, 2018. 7 comments.

Personal Goals Blog
The 7 Most Common 401(k) Mistakes [and how to fix them]
The 7 Most Common 401(k) Mistakes [and how to fix them]

Written by Adam on July 22, 2019. 10 comments.

Investing Blog Minafi Canonical
Betterment Fees

Written by Adam on January 23, 2021.

Invest Invest Fees
February 2018 Goals Review – Use Everything
February 2018 Goals Review – Use Everything

Written by Adam on February 28, 2018.

Personal Goals Blog adamfortuna
My Personal Goals for Q2 2018 – Health, Growth and Creation
My Personal Goals for Q2 2018 – Health, Growth and Creation

Written by Adam on April 3, 2018. 2 comments.

Personal Goals Meta Blog Minafi Canonical
Robinhood vs Webull: What’s the Best Free Investing App?

Written by Adam on February 15, 2021.

Invest Invest Compare
My Doomed Adventure Hiking the Highline Trail
My Doomed Adventure Hiking the Highline Trail

Written by Adam on October 24, 2021. 3 comments.

Personal Travel Spotlight Minafi
January 2020 Theme: Focus
January 2020 Theme: Focus

Written by Adam on January 1, 2020. 4 comments.

Personal Goals Blog
Avoiding the Lifestyle Inflation Trap
Avoiding the Lifestyle Inflation Trap

Written by Adam on June 30, 2017.

Minimalism Blog
“Won’t You be Bored?” Why Creatives Thrive in Financial Independence
“Won’t You be Bored?” Why Creatives Thrive in Financial Independence

Written by Adam on September 7, 2020. 8 comments.

Mindfulness Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
The Focused Investor 3: Enoch Omololu from Savvy New Canadians on Index Investing
The Focused Investor 3: Enoch Omololu from Savvy New Canadians on Index Investing

Written by Adam on January 25, 2019. 2 comments.

Investing Blog
My Favorite Books for January 2018
My Favorite Books for January 2018

Written by Adam on February 12, 2018. 4 comments.

Personal Blog
How We Spent $15,000 on Our Honeymoon and Why We’d Do It Again
How We Spent $15,000 on Our Honeymoon and Why We’d Do It Again

Written by Adam on August 6, 2018. 34 comments.

Personal Featured Blog Minafi Canonical
The Real Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery – Is It Worth it?
The Real Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery – Is It Worth it?

Written by Adam on November 8, 2017. 17 comments.

Personal Blog
Commitment Devices for Minimalism and Simple Living
Commitment Devices for Minimalism and Simple Living

Written by Adam on February 15, 2018. 2 comments.

Personal Minimalism Goals Blog adamfortuna
June 2017: Monthly Goal Review
June 2017: Monthly Goal Review

Written by Adam on June 29, 2017.

Personal Goals Blog
2014 Year In Review
2014 Year In Review

Written by Adam on January 1, 2015.

Personal Blog
The Minafi Money Map
The Minafi Money Map

Written by Adam on September 7, 2017. 7 comments.

Financial Independence Blog Canonical
Where Are You On the Financial Independence + Retirement Matrix?
Where Are You On the Financial Independence + Retirement Matrix?

Written by Adam on February 17, 2020. 11 comments.

Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
The Periodic Table of FIRE! [Interactive]
The Periodic Table of FIRE! [Interactive]

Written by Adam on July 29, 2019. 29 comments.

Financial Independence Interactive Featured Blog Minafi Canonical
Invest Compare

Written by Adam on January 20, 2021.

Fund Compare Invest Exclude Invest Compare
December 2020 Theme: Enjoy
December 2020 Theme: Enjoy

Written by Adam on December 1, 2020. 5 comments.

Personal Goals Blog
My Financial Spreadsheet: 5 Metrics to Track for Financial Independence
My Financial Spreadsheet: 5 Metrics to Track for Financial Independence

Written by Adam on March 21, 2021. 31 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Investing Blog Minafi Canonical
Betterment vs Wealthfront Guide: Which is Right For You?
Betterment vs Wealthfront Guide: Which is Right For You?

Written by Adam on January 20, 2021.

Investing Invest Invest Compare
Investing for Beginners: From Your First $1 to $10k and Beyond
Investing for Beginners: From Your First $1 to $10k and Beyond

Written by Adam on April 11, 2021. 4 comments.

Investing Personal Finance Blog Minafi Canonical
What is Your Personal Mission?
What is Your Personal Mission?

Written by Adam on June 21, 2017.

Mindfulness Blog
How to Declutter: My Uncluttering Manifesto
How to Declutter: My Uncluttering Manifesto

Written by Adam on August 6, 2016.

Personal Minimalism Blog

Written by Adam on January 26, 2021.

Invest Exclude
December 2017 Goal Review: Minafi Content & Settling into Salt Lake City
December 2017 Goal Review: Minafi Content & Settling into Salt Lake City

Written by Adam on December 31, 2017. 2 comments.

Personal Goals Blog
Why I Don’t Care About Free Stock Trades (And You Shouldn’t Either)
Why I Don’t Care About Free Stock Trades (And You Shouldn’t Either)

Written by Adam on October 29, 2019. 2 comments.

Investing Blog Minafi Canonical
My Personal Goals Review for Q2 2018
My Personal Goals Review for Q2 2018

Written by Adam on July 2, 2018. 3 comments.

Personal Goals Blog Minafi Canonical
Investment Fees Calculator – Compute Advisor, Expense Ratio and Load Fees Over Time
Investment Fees Calculator – Compute Advisor, Expense Ratio and Load Fees Over Time

Written by Adam on May 13, 2020. 2 comments.

Investing Calculators
Minafi 2018 Q2 Summer Investment Report
Minafi 2018 Q2 Summer Investment Report

Written by Adam on July 23, 2018. 10 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Investing Blog Minafi Canonical
Understanding Your Asset Allocation with Spreadsheets and Personal Capital
Understanding Your Asset Allocation with Spreadsheets and Personal Capital

Written by Adam on February 22, 2018. 2 comments.

Investing Blog Canonical
Why I Don’t Want to be a Landlord or Invest in Real Estate
Why I Don’t Want to be a Landlord or Invest in Real Estate

Written by Adam on July 26, 2017. 8 comments.

Financial Independence Blog Canonical
Fund Compare

Written by Adam on January 8, 2021.

Funds Fund Compare
January 2018 Goals Review – Minimal Investor Course Update
January 2018 Goals Review – Minimal Investor Course Update

Written by Adam on January 31, 2018.

Personal Goals Blog Canonical
An Interactive Guide to Portfolio Diversification
An Interactive Guide to Portfolio Diversification

Written by Adam on September 2, 2019. 1 comment.

Investing Interactive Featured Data Blog Minafi Canonical
Write Your ‘Year in Review’ Post Now
Write Your ‘Year in Review’ Post Now

Written by Adam on July 31, 2016.

Mindfulness Goals Blog
What’s Your Weekly Spending Distribution?
What’s Your Weekly Spending Distribution?

Written by Adam on August 18, 2016.

Financial Independence Blog Canonical
Recommendations: Tools I Use

Written by Adam on October 9, 2018.

When Are You On Autopilot?
When Are You On Autopilot?

Written by Adam on October 11, 2017. 3 comments.

Personal Mindfulness Blog

Written by Adam on January 8, 2021.

Is FIRE A Hero’s Journey?
Is FIRE A Hero’s Journey?

Written by Adam on November 26, 2018. 4 comments.

Mindfulness Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
The Shockingly Scary Difference Between Healthy FIRE and Unhealthy FIRE
The Shockingly Scary Difference Between Healthy FIRE and Unhealthy FIRE

Written by Adam on November 7, 2018. 13 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
February 2020 Theme: Finish
February 2020 Theme: Finish

Written by Adam on February 1, 2020. 5 comments.

Personal Goals Blog
What Should You Do With a Sudden Windfall?
What Should You Do With a Sudden Windfall?

Written by Adam on June 4, 2018. 10 comments.

Personal Investing Blog Minafi Canonical
Make Fewer Choices with Decision Minimalism
Make Fewer Choices with Decision Minimalism

Written by Adam on August 9, 2016.

Minimalism Blog
Funds [Internal]

Written by Adam on February 3, 2021.

What’s Your Growth Story?
What’s Your Growth Story?

Written by Adam on February 7, 2018. 8 comments.

Mindfulness Goals Blog adamfortuna
May 2020 Theme: Work
May 2020 Theme: Work

Written by Adam on May 1, 2020. 12 comments.

Personal Blog
The Focused Investor Series

Written by Adam on November 4, 2018.

Slow Minimalism
Slow Minimalism

Written by Adam on October 7, 2019. 12 comments.

Minimalism Blog adamfortuna
Why I’m Loving Apartment Living After 35 Years in a House
Why I’m Loving Apartment Living After 35 Years in a House

Written by Adam on March 5, 2018. 24 comments.

Personal Minimalism Blog Canonical
Exponential Growth Calculator [solve for any variable]
Exponential Growth Calculator [solve for any variable]

Written by Adam on May 27, 2019.

Investing Interactive Calculators Blog Minafi Canonical
The Only Piece of Luggage You Need
The Only Piece of Luggage You Need

Written by Adam on July 8, 2017.

Minimalism Blog
9 Songs About Money You Won’t Hear on the Radio
9 Songs About Money You Won’t Hear on the Radio

Written by Adam on January 12, 2018. 5 comments.

Investing Blog Canonical
2012 Year in Review
2012 Year in Review

Written by Adam on January 1, 2013.

Personal Blog
Where Are You on the FIRE Spectrum?
Where Are You on the FIRE Spectrum?

Written by Adam on June 10, 2019. 6 comments.

Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
When Pursuing Early Retirement, You Must Be Armed With a Bag of Whys
When Pursuing Early Retirement, You Must Be Armed With a Bag of Whys

Written by Adam on April 19, 2018.

Mindfulness Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
My FinCon 2017: Accidental Connections, Beer & Memories
My FinCon 2017: Accidental Connections, Beer & Memories

Written by Adam on October 30, 2017. 28 comments.

Personal Blog Canonical
Seven Takeaways from My Second Year of FIRE
Seven Takeaways from My Second Year of FIRE

Written by Adam on December 16, 2020. 31 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
The Woke Investor – Investing Tips For When You’re Already Awesome
The Woke Investor – Investing Tips For When You’re Already Awesome

Written by Adam on April 1, 2018. 6 comments.

Investing Featured Blog Minafi Canonical
Do You Vacation or Travel?
Do You Vacation or Travel?

Written by Adam on February 26, 2018. 19 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Travel Blog adamfortuna
37 Inspiration Minimalism Quotes to Help You Simplify Your Life
37 Inspiration Minimalism Quotes to Help You Simplify Your Life

Written by Adam on October 22, 2018. 8 comments.

Minimalism Blog Minafi Canonical
How to Get Out of a Timeshare: 5 Proven Ways
How to Get Out of a Timeshare: 5 Proven Ways

Written by Adam on January 11, 2021.

The Minafi FIRE Prowess Score
The Minafi FIRE Prowess Score

Written by Adam on August 19, 2017. 9 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Canonical
I Just Sold My Used Car for $150,000+ FI Dollars
I Just Sold My Used Car for $150,000+ FI Dollars

Written by Adam on June 18, 2018. 9 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
Week in Review – December 30, 2017
Week in Review – December 30, 2017

Written by Adam on December 30, 2017. 5 comments.

Sharing Blog Canonical
Minafi 1 Year Birthday! What I Learned In my First Full Year Blogging
Minafi 1 Year Birthday! What I Learned In my First Full Year Blogging

Written by Adam on June 21, 2018. 8 comments.

Personal Investing Meta Blog Minafi Canonical
My Failure Resume: A Story of 22 Failures Over 18 years
My Failure Resume: A Story of 22 Failures Over 18 years

Written by Adam on October 18, 2017. 7 comments.

Personal Mindfulness Blog
I’m 40 Today. Here’s What I Want From My Next 10 Years To Look Like
I’m 40 Today. Here’s What I Want From My Next 10 Years To Look Like

Written by Adam on June 4, 2022. 19 comments.

Personal Goals adamfortuna
Work Optional Book Review: An Actionable Guide to Living Your Best Life
Work Optional Book Review: An Actionable Guide to Living Your Best Life

Written by Adam on February 12, 2019. 1 comment.

Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
Why I Don’t Blog Anonymously
Why I Don’t Blog Anonymously

Written by Adam on September 13, 2017. 14 comments.

Personal Minimalism Blog Canonical
My 2022 Year in Review
My 2022 Year in Review

Written by Adam on January 1, 2023. 4 comments.

Personal Featured adamfortuna Duplicate
Coinbase Review: The Easiest Way to Get Started Investing in Bitcoin
Coinbase Review: The Easiest Way to Get Started Investing in Bitcoin

Written by Adam on December 8, 2017. 105 comments.

Investing Blog Canonical
Minafi 2017 Q3 Fall Investment Report
Minafi 2017 Q3 Fall Investment Report

Written by Adam on October 9, 2017. 15 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Investing Blog Canonical
7 Features From Minafi v2 I’m Excited to Announce!
7 Features From Minafi v2 I’m Excited to Announce!

Written by Adam on April 29, 2019. 2 comments.

Meta Blog Minafi Canonical
What Opinion do you Hold that Many People Would Disagree With?
What Opinion do you Hold that Many People Would Disagree With?

Written by Adam on July 10, 2017. 3 comments.

Mindfulness Blog
Thank You!

Written by Adam on August 15, 2017.

Foregoing Cultural Cognizance
Foregoing Cultural Cognizance

Written by Adam on August 25, 2017.

Mindfulness Blog
Startup FIRE
Startup FIRE

Written by Adam on September 11, 2021. 13 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Minafi
The Focused Investor 1: Alexander from Day Trading Z Robots vs. Human Traders
The Focused Investor 1: Alexander from Day Trading Z Robots vs. Human Traders

Written by Adam on January 10, 2019. 2 comments.

Investing Blog
Spotlight Your Potential with Keystone Habits
Spotlight Your Potential with Keystone Habits

Written by Adam on December 11, 2017. 4 comments.

Personal Mindfulness Blog
The Gender Pay Gap Told Through Data From the Finance Blogging Community
The Gender Pay Gap Told Through Data From the Finance Blogging Community

Written by Adam on April 30, 2018. 28 comments.

Financial Independence Investing Interactive Featured Blog Minafi Canonical
Understanding the Expense Ratio and How It Affects Your Investments
Understanding the Expense Ratio and How It Affects Your Investments

Written by Adam on April 21, 2021.

Investing Spotlight
How To Make Money On Facebook and 14 Ways People Are Doing It
How To Make Money On Facebook and 14 Ways People Are Doing It

Written by Adam on March 26, 2021.

Personal Finance Spotlight
Buffett’s 10/10/10 Rule For Making Financial Decisions
Buffett’s 10/10/10 Rule For Making Financial Decisions

Written by Adam on November 14, 2018. 2 comments.

Personal Mindfulness Blog Minafi Canonical
Financial Independence Groups: Meetups, Forums, Events and How To Find Likeminded People
Financial Independence Groups: Meetups, Forums, Events and How To Find Likeminded People

Written by Adam on February 24, 2021. 4 comments.

Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
Where Are You On The Minimalist Living Spectrum?
Where Are You On The Minimalist Living Spectrum?

Written by Adam on November 16, 2017. 7 comments.

Minimalism Blog
What Does Financial Independence Mean to Me? Is it Just About Quitting and Retiring?
What Does Financial Independence Mean to Me? Is it Just About Quitting and Retiring?

Written by Adam on July 4, 2017. 6 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Canonical
Contact Me

Written by Adam on December 14, 2016.

Minafi Brand Assets

Written by Adam on September 6, 2017.

My Life & Goals Updates So Far for 2021
My Life & Goals Updates So Far for 2021

Written by Adam on April 4, 2021. 8 comments.

Personal Goals Blog adamfortuna
June 2019 Goals, Investments & Spending – Running, Camping, Focusing, Sleep No More
June 2019 Goals, Investments & Spending – Running, Camping, Focusing, Sleep No More

Written by Adam on July 8, 2019. 11 comments.

Personal Blog Minafi Canonical

Written by Adam on January 25, 2021.

Invest Exclude
Betterment Review 2021: Is a Roboadvisor Worth It?

Written by Adam on January 24, 2021.

Why You Think in the Mediums Of Your Message
Why You Think in the Mediums Of Your Message

Written by Adam on July 6, 2017. 1 comment.

Mindfulness Blog
5 Steps to Change Your Default Consumption Behavior
5 Steps to Change Your Default Consumption Behavior

Written by Adam on June 27, 2017. 2 comments.

Mindfulness Minimalism Blog Canonical
Why Write An Interactive Guide to FIRE?
Why Write An Interactive Guide to FIRE?

Written by Adam on September 5, 2017.

Personal Financial Independence Investing Blog Canonical
Practice Poverty
Practice Poverty

Written by Adam on September 12, 2016.

Mindfulness Minimalism Blog
How to Invest During a Bitcoin Bubble
How to Invest During a Bitcoin Bubble

Written by Adam on August 15, 2017. 3 comments.

Financial Independence Investing Blog Canonical
I Make Enough Money to Live in a Minimalist House
I Make Enough Money to Live in a Minimalist House

Written by Adam on April 5, 2018. 7 comments.

Personal Minimalism Blog Minafi Canonical
How to Invest Your First $1,000 and Double Your Money (In Time)
How to Invest Your First $1,000 and Double Your Money (In Time)

Written by Adam on November 5, 2018. 6 comments.

Investing Blog Minafi Canonical
What’s a Moment Where You Felt The Most Euphoric?
What’s a Moment Where You Felt The Most Euphoric?

Written by Adam on January 10, 2018. 1 comment.

Personal Mindfulness Blog
Why Should I Invest Now? — How To Be Brave & Start Investing
Why Should I Invest Now? — How To Be Brave & Start Investing

Written by Adam on June 24, 2017.

Financial Independence Investing Blog Canonical
What is Your Rainy Day Project?
What is Your Rainy Day Project?

Written by Adam on August 19, 2019. 9 comments.

Mindfulness Financial Independence Blog adamfortuna
Data Says the Millennial Early Retirement Age is 40 – Here’s How They Could Do It
Data Says the Millennial Early Retirement Age is 40 – Here’s How They Could Do It

Written by Adam on November 6, 2017. 15 comments.

Minimalism Financial Independence Interactive Data Blog Canonical
August 2020 Theme: Empty
August 2020 Theme: Empty

Written by Adam on August 9, 2020. 2 comments.

Personal Goals Blog
Growing Kids Self-Control For $5 a Week
Growing Kids Self-Control For $5 a Week

Written by Adam on December 20, 2017. 23 comments.

Mindfulness Investing Blog
What You Should Know About Investing At Every Age From 16 to 60
What You Should Know About Investing At Every Age From 16 to 60

Written by Adam on June 11, 2018. 4 comments.

Personal Investing Blog Minafi Canonical
How Is This Site Built?
How Is This Site Built?

Written by Adam on April 1, 2019.

7 Mindsets to Thrive in Financial Independence
7 Mindsets to Thrive in Financial Independence

Written by Adam on July 20, 2020. 3 comments.

Personal Mindfulness Blog Minafi Canonical
An Interactive Guide to Early Retirement and Financial Independence
An Interactive Guide to Early Retirement and Financial Independence

Written by Adam on September 2, 2017. 118 comments.

Financial Independence Investing Interactive
Minimalist are not Nomads, but Nomads are Minimalists
Minimalist are not Nomads, but Nomads are Minimalists

Written by Adam on August 17, 2017.

Minimalism Blog
Why Minafi’s Logo is a Torii
Why Minafi’s Logo is a Torii

Written by Adam on September 11, 2017. 5 comments.

Mindfulness Meta Blog Canonical
Mastery is a Trap
Mastery is a Trap

Written by Adam on April 23, 2018.

Personal Mindfulness Goals Featured Blog adamfortuna
March 2019 Investment, Goals and Spending Breakdown
March 2019 Investment, Goals and Spending Breakdown

Written by Adam on April 8, 2019. 7 comments.

Personal Blog Minafi Canonical
Plan Your Perfect Week in Retirement Today
Plan Your Perfect Week in Retirement Today

Written by Adam on July 16, 2018. 3 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Minafi
My Favorite 130 Books Read in 2019
My Favorite 130 Books Read in 2019

Written by Adam on January 20, 2020. 9 comments.

Personal Blog
What’s the Difference Between Fire, Lean Fire, and Fat Fire?
What’s the Difference Between Fire, Lean Fire, and Fat Fire?

Written by Adam on May 14, 2018. 22 comments.

Financial Independence Featured Data Blog Minafi Canonical
Does This Mean the End of the FIRE Movement? [Answer: No]
Does This Mean the End of the FIRE Movement? [Answer: No]

Written by Adam on April 13, 2020. 24 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Investing Taxes Blog Minafi Canonical
Seeking Mentors
Seeking Mentors

Written by Adam on October 13, 2017.

Personal Mindfulness Blog
How To Conduct a Weekly Review to Keep Yourself on Track
How To Conduct a Weekly Review to Keep Yourself on Track

Written by Adam on March 7, 2021. 10 comments.

Personal Goals Blog Minafi
Comparison is the Thief of Joy, but How Do You Stop?
Comparison is the Thief of Joy, but How Do You Stop?

Written by Adam on July 28, 2017. 2 comments.

Mindfulness Blog
How Tradition Tricks You Into Wanting Things You Don’t Need
How Tradition Tricks You Into Wanting Things You Don’t Need

Written by Adam on April 12, 2018. 3 comments.

Personal Mindfulness Minimalism Blog adamfortuna
2016 Year in Review
2016 Year in Review

Written by Adam on January 1, 2017.

Personal Blog
My 2020 Year in Review
My 2020 Year in Review

Written by Adam on December 31, 2020. 4 comments.

Personal Blog
2011 Year in Review
2011 Year in Review

Written by Adam on January 1, 2012.

Personal Blog
Use Savings Rate as a Lifestyle Inflation Canary
Use Savings Rate as a Lifestyle Inflation Canary

Written by Adam on August 7, 2017. 21 comments.

Financial Independence Blog Canonical
The Burden of Now
The Burden of Now

Written by Adam on November 21, 2017. 1 comment.

Mindfulness Goals Blog
The Bulletproof Strategy to Develop a Morning Ritual
The Bulletproof Strategy to Develop a Morning Ritual

Written by Adam on October 8, 2018. 2 comments.

Personal Mindfulness Goals Blog Minafi Canonical

Written by Adam on March 2, 2021.

Invest Invest Compare
Simplify Your Desktop with Bartender
Simplify Your Desktop with Bartender

Written by Adam on September 20, 2017. 1 comment.

Minimalism Blog
The Rule of 72 Calculator: How to Perform Compound Interest Calculations In Your Head
The Rule of 72 Calculator: How to Perform Compound Interest Calculations In Your Head

Written by Adam on November 12, 2018. 1 comment.

Investing Interactive Calculators Blog Minafi Canonical
All my Coworkers Just Learned about my Blog – Here’s What Happened
All my Coworkers Just Learned about my Blog – Here’s What Happened

Written by Adam on December 18, 2017. 4 comments.

Personal Blog Canonical

Written by Adam on March 1, 2021.

Funds Fund Compare
My Personal Goals for Q3 2018 – Health, Book & Interactive Guide
My Personal Goals for Q3 2018 – Health, Book & Interactive Guide

Written by Adam on July 9, 2018. 1 comment.

Personal Goals Blog Minafi Canonical
Mutual Funds vs ETFs: What’s the Difference Between Them?
Mutual Funds vs ETFs: What’s the Difference Between Them?

Written by Adam on October 4, 2017. 1 comment.

Financial Independence Investing Blog Canonical
My Biggest Investment Mistake and the Lessons I’ve Learned
My Biggest Investment Mistake and the Lessons I’ve Learned

Written by Adam on May 5, 2021. 1 comment.

Invest Spotlight
Build Focus with Roosevelt Dashes
Build Focus with Roosevelt Dashes

Written by Adam on October 23, 2017. 4 comments.

Goals Blog Canonical
Challenge Yourself with Weekly Task Planning Using Todoist
Challenge Yourself with Weekly Task Planning Using Todoist

Written by Adam on July 12, 2017. 3 comments.

Mindfulness Goals Blog
If You Want to Reach Your Goals, Track Your Activities
If You Want to Reach Your Goals, Track Your Activities

Written by Adam on July 14, 2017. 1 comment.

Mindfulness Blog
Create a Consumption Ledger
Create a Consumption Ledger

Written by Adam on August 23, 2017. 2 comments.

Goals Blog
May Goals, Investments and Spending – Running, Hiking and Enjoying Time Outside
May Goals, Investments and Spending – Running, Hiking and Enjoying Time Outside

Written by Adam on June 3, 2019. 2 comments.

Personal Blog Minafi Canonical
July 2020 Theme: Vision
July 2020 Theme: Vision

Written by Adam on July 5, 2020. 2 comments.

Personal Goals Blog
The Definitive Guide to Tax-loss Harvesting and Avoiding Wash Sales
The Definitive Guide to Tax-loss Harvesting and Avoiding Wash Sales

Written by Adam on November 19, 2018. 6 comments.

Investing Taxes Blog Minafi Canonical
Reduce Kitchen Clutter with The Dishwasher Challenge
Reduce Kitchen Clutter with The Dishwasher Challenge

Written by Adam on January 17, 2018. 10 comments.

Personal Minimalism Blog Canonical
March 2018 Goals – Slow Movement
March 2018 Goals – Slow Movement

Written by Adam on March 2, 2018. 4 comments.

Personal Goals Blog adamfortuna
The Simple Path to Wealth Book Review

Written by Adam on January 19, 2018. 8 comments.

Investing Blog Canonical
January 2018 Goals – Writing Entirely Too Much!
January 2018 Goals – Writing Entirely Too Much!

Written by Adam on January 3, 2018. 4 comments.

Personal Goals Blog
Newspaper Mindfulness Exercise
Newspaper Mindfulness Exercise

Written by Adam on August 12, 2016.

Mindfulness Blog
Which Investment Accounts Should I Use?
Which Investment Accounts Should I Use?

Written by Adam on July 2, 2017. 3 comments.

Financial Independence Investing Blog Canonical
Minafi Vision & Mission

Written by Adam on March 26, 2018.

Goals Meta
The Minimal Investor ESPP Guide and Calculator
The Minimal Investor ESPP Guide and Calculator

Written by Adam on June 25, 2018. 17 comments.

Investing Blog Minafi Canonical
How I Would (and Do) Invest $1 Million
How I Would (and Do) Invest $1 Million

Written by Adam on September 15, 2017. 17 comments.

Financial Independence Investing Blog Canonical
Financial Freedom Book Review – A Guide to Retiring Early
Financial Freedom Book Review – A Guide to Retiring Early

Written by Adam on February 4, 2019.

Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
2015 Year In Review
2015 Year In Review

Written by Adam on January 1, 2016.

Personal Blog
April 2019 Investment, Goals and Spending Breakdown
April 2019 Investment, Goals and Spending Breakdown

Written by Adam on May 6, 2019. 6 comments.

Personal Blog Minafi Canonical
Is $ARKK Worth The Fee?

Written by Adam on February 3, 2021.

Funds Fund Fees
Fernweh – A Longing for Travel and Places Unseen
Fernweh – A Longing for Travel and Places Unseen

Written by Adam on July 15, 2019. 6 comments.

Mindfulness Financial Independence Blog adamfortuna
5 Steps to Embrace Lifestyle Deflation Without Deprivation
5 Steps to Embrace Lifestyle Deflation Without Deprivation

Written by Adam on March 28, 2021. 7 comments.

Personal Blog Minafi Canonical
Your House Doesn’t Count Towards the 4% Rule
Your House Doesn’t Count Towards the 4% Rule

Written by Adam on April 26, 2018. 4 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
What I’m Doing Right Now

Written by Adam on August 13, 2017.

FinCon 2019 – Washington, D.C, Friends and Inspiration
FinCon 2019 – Washington, D.C, Friends and Inspiration

Written by Adam on September 7, 2019. 46 comments.

Personal Blog Minafi Canonical
Living for Tomorrow vs Living for Today
Living for Tomorrow vs Living for Today

Written by Adam on December 22, 2017.

Mindfulness Financial Independence Blog
Minafi 2018 Q1 Spring Investment Report
Minafi 2018 Q1 Spring Investment Report

Written by Adam on April 16, 2018. 9 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Investing Featured Blog Minafi Canonical
Minimal Hurricane Preparation
Minimal Hurricane Preparation

Written by Adam on October 16, 2017. 1 comment.

Personal Minimalism Blog Canonical
The Last Gift My Mom Ever Gave Me
The Last Gift My Mom Ever Gave Me

Written by Adam on May 20, 2019. 4 comments.

Personal Blog adamfortuna
You Can’t do Everything: How I’m Prioritizing What to Start, Stop and Continue in Retirement
You Can’t do Everything: How I’m Prioritizing What to Start, Stop and Continue in Retirement

Written by Adam on December 10, 2018. 8 comments.

Personal Goals Blog Canonical
How I’m Setting Goals During Early Retirement
How I’m Setting Goals During Early Retirement

Written by Adam on March 25, 2019.

Personal Goals Blog Minafi Canonical
Use Buffett’s 25/5 Technique to Prioritize Personal Goals
Use Buffett’s 25/5 Technique to Prioritize Personal Goals

Written by Adam on March 26, 2018. 5 comments.

Personal Goals Blog Canonical
Most Iconic Road Trips in Every State
Most Iconic Road Trips in Every State

Written by Adam on April 28, 2021.

Travel Spotlight
March 2020 Theme: Routine
March 2020 Theme: Routine

Written by Adam on March 1, 2020. 6 comments.

Personal Goals Blog
Minafi 2017 Q4 Winter Investment Report
Minafi 2017 Q4 Winter Investment Report

Written by Adam on January 15, 2018. 14 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Investing Featured Blog Canonical
Tracking & Forecasting Expenses with Mint, Todoist and Google Sheets
Tracking & Forecasting Expenses with Mint, Todoist and Google Sheets

Written by Adam on October 9, 2016. 1 comment.

Financial Independence Blog Canonical
Why You Should Create a Local Bucket List
Why You Should Create a Local Bucket List

Written by Adam on July 27, 2020. 9 comments.

Personal Mindfulness Financial Independence Travel Blog
My FinCon 2018: Friends, Inspiration and Motivation
My FinCon 2018: Friends, Inspiration and Motivation

Written by Adam on October 1, 2018. 26 comments.

Personal Blog Minafi Canonical
I’ve Tracked My Spending For 8+ Years and Here’s What I Learned
I’ve Tracked My Spending For 8+ Years and Here’s What I Learned

Written by Adam on May 22, 2018. 11 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Canonical
Our 7 Rules of Travel Spending
Our 7 Rules of Travel Spending

Written by Adam on August 10, 2017. 17 comments.

Financial Independence Blog
Retirement Simulator
Retirement Simulator

Written by Adam on September 27, 2020. 1 comment.

Investing Interactive Calculators
Here is Your Guide to the Best Personal Finance Software
Here is Your Guide to the Best Personal Finance Software

Written by Adam on April 2, 2021.

Personal Finance Spotlight
Prevent Your Investments from Theft! Secure Your Vanguard Account with Yubikeys and Google Voice
Prevent Your Investments from Theft! Secure Your Vanguard Account with Yubikeys and Google Voice

Written by Adam on May 23, 2019. 3 comments.

Financial Independence Investing Blog Minafi Canonical
The Simple Three Fund Portfolio at Vanguard
The Simple Three Fund Portfolio at Vanguard

Written by Adam on August 3, 2017. 21 comments.

Financial Independence Investing Blog
11 Things to Consider Before Investing in Cryptocurrency in 2021
11 Things to Consider Before Investing in Cryptocurrency in 2021

Written by Adam on March 3, 2021.

Investing Spotlight
Mint Mobile Review: For $15/Month Is It Worth It?
Mint Mobile Review: For $15/Month Is It Worth It?

Written by Adam on February 11, 2019. 4 comments.

Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical

Written by Adam on January 8, 2021.

Funds Fund Compare
How I Learned to be Less Critical of Others
How I Learned to be Less Critical of Others

Written by Adam on September 18, 2017. 1 comment.

Mindfulness Blog
June 2020 Theme: Explore
June 2020 Theme: Explore

Written by Adam on June 2, 2020. 8 comments.

Personal Goals Blog
The Complete Guide to Withdrawing Funds Early From Your 401(k), IRA and Roth IRA
The Complete Guide to Withdrawing Funds Early From Your 401(k), IRA and Roth IRA

Written by Adam on June 29, 2020. 9 comments.

Investing Taxes Blog Minafi Canonical
The Focused Investor 2: OthalaFehu on Preparing for the Worst with Precious Metals
The Focused Investor 2: OthalaFehu on Preparing for the Worst with Precious Metals

Written by Adam on January 17, 2019. 1 comment.

Investing Blog
Lagom: Swedish Minimalism for Enough
Lagom: Swedish Minimalism for Enough

Written by Adam on December 15, 2017. 16 comments.

Mindfulness Minimalism Blog
Our New $6,000 Car
Our New $6,000 Car

Written by Adam on September 17, 2018. 10 comments.

Personal Blog Minafi Canonical
Why Invest – All

Written by Adam on November 11, 2019.

Be Mindful of False Productivity
Be Mindful of False Productivity

Written by Adam on March 8, 2018. 2 comments.

Mindfulness Goals Blog adamfortuna
My Secret Weapon for Minimalism: A Crazy Fast Photo Scanner

Written by Adam on January 29, 2018. 11 comments.

Personal Minimalism Featured Blog Canonical
Why You Should Plant a (Symbolic) Garden For Early Retirement
Why You Should Plant a (Symbolic) Garden For Early Retirement

Written by Adam on February 21, 2021. 6 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
2013 Year In Review
2013 Year In Review

Written by Adam on January 1, 2014.

Personal Blog

Written by Adam on January 20, 2021.

Invest Exclude
July / August 2017 Personal Goals & Review
July / August 2017 Personal Goals & Review

Written by Adam on August 1, 2017. 2 comments.

Goals Blog
Minafi Summer Break, Life & Goals Updates for Q2 2021
Minafi Summer Break, Life & Goals Updates for Q2 2021

Written by Adam on July 4, 2021. 11 comments.

Personal Goals Travel Blog Minafi Canonical
My Four Phases of Financial Independence
My Four Phases of Financial Independence

Written by Adam on June 24, 2019. 5 comments.

Personal Investing Blog Minafi Canonical
Where to Learn on Minafi
Where to Learn on Minafi

Written by Adam on March 27, 2019.

My Favorite 100 Books Read in 2018
My Favorite 100 Books Read in 2018

Written by Adam on January 7, 2019. 8 comments.

Personal Goals Blog adamfortuna
Why I’m Going for FIO – Financial Independence with Options
Why I’m Going for FIO – Financial Independence with Options

Written by Adam on December 5, 2017. 40 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Calculators Blog Canonical

Written by Adam on January 25, 2021.

Invest Exclude
Joy is a Skill, Remember to Practice It
Joy is a Skill, Remember to Practice It

Written by Adam on September 25, 2017. 9 comments.

Mindfulness Minimalism Blog
August / September 2017 Personal Goals & Review
August / September 2017 Personal Goals & Review

Written by Adam on September 1, 2017.

Personal Goals Meta Blog
6 Thoughts After 6 Months of Early Retirement
6 Thoughts After 6 Months of Early Retirement

Written by Adam on June 17, 2019. 9 comments.

Personal Financial Independence Blog Minafi Canonical
April 2020 Theme: Create
April 2020 Theme: Create

Written by Adam on April 1, 2020. 9 comments.

Personal Blog
Minafi Income & Expenses

Written by Adam on March 27, 2018.

Personal Meta

Written by Adam on November 14, 2019.

Lessons Learned From A Year of Monthly Themes
Lessons Learned From A Year of Monthly Themes

Written by Adam on February 28, 2021. 8 comments.

Personal Mindfulness Blog
September / October 2017 Personal Goals & Review
September / October 2017 Personal Goals & Review

Written by Adam on October 1, 2017. 6 comments.

Personal Goals Blog
M1 Finance

Written by Adam on January 25, 2021.


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