Glossary > 12b-1 Fee

12b-1 Fee

A 12b-1 fee is an annual marketing and distribution fee charged by some mutual funds and ETFs. This fee is included as part of a funds expense ratio.

You can think about this as the marketing budget for the fund. This is how much the fund spends trying to get more people to invest.

For most (if not all) Vanguard funds this fee will be 0%. The limit for a 12b-1 fee is 1% for any fund.

Courses Mentioning 12b-1 Fee

Here are all 10 courses that mention 12b-1 Fee here on Minafi.

Why Should You Invest In the Stock Market?

A deep dive into why the stock market is one of the easiest and safest investments you can make.

7 Lessons Basic about 2 hours

Stocks Investing
1 free
How to Make Money in the Stock Market

It's not about constantly monitoring the market and making trades. Learn how long-term investors grow their wealth without the need to constantly monitor them.

7 Lessons Basic about 1 hour

Bonds Stocks Investing
1 free
The Minimal Investor

Learn everything you need to know to invest for the rest of your life.

10 Lessons Basic about 3 hours 1,298 students

Bonds Stocks Taxes Investing
The Four Pillars of Investing

Compound interest, diversification, fees and taxes make up the core pillars of a solid investing strategy.

7 Lessons Advanced about 1 hour

Compound Interest Diversification Fees Bonds Stocks Taxes Investing
1 free
How To Choose The Right Fund

Let's take everything we've learned and put it together. We'll analyze a number of funds and go through the process of how to narrow funds down to the one that's just right for you.

3 Lessons Intermediate 23 minutes

Diversification Fees Bonds Stocks Taxes Investing
Members Only
Create Your Ideal Asset Allocation

Plan out what funds you'll invest in and in which accounts for maximized diversification and tax-efficiency.

6 Lessons Intermediate about 2 hours

Bonds Stocks Investing
1 free
Make Your Investment

Open any accounts you need to invest and make your actual investments.

7 Lessons Advanced about 2 hours

Bonds Stocks Investing
4 free
Ditch Your Financial Advisor

If you're currently investing with a financial advisor, managing your own money can save you a bunch over a lifetime.

3 Lessons Advanced about 2 hours

Advisor Investing
1 free
Plan Your Future

Make a plan for how you'll invest your time going forward.

10 Lessons Intermediate about 3 hours 1,845 students

Financial Independence Mindfulness
6 free
Retire in Style

Create a plan for how you'll withdraw funds from your accounts.

8 Lessons Basic about 2 hours 2,361 students

Mindset Retirement Taxes
3 free

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