Categories > adamfortuna
Here are all 24 posts in the adamfortuna category.
Some of the top themes for this year were growing closer with friends, knee surgery & recovery, loss, Hardcover and f...
Written by Adam on January 1, 2023. 7 comments.
What would you like to accomplish in your next 10 years? Here’s a look at what I’m thinking about for my 40s.
Written by Adam on June 4, 2022. 20 comments.
My yearly recap of everything that happened during the previous year.
Written by Adam on March 1, 2022. 5 comments.
This year is shaping up to be so much better than 2020. Here’s a rundown of what I’ve been up to, what I’m working on...
Written by Adam on April 4, 2021. 10 comments.
Methods that focus on clearing out your possessions as fast as possible are efficient, but emotionally taxing. I take...
Written by Adam on October 7, 2019. 12 comments.
If you were cooped up inside, what would fill your time? Is it the same things that you would lean on as a kid?
Written by Adam on August 19, 2019. 9 comments.
Fernweh is a German word that roughly translates into “farsickness” or wanterlust. It’s a longing for unseen places a...
Written by Adam on July 15, 2019. 6 comments.
My mom passed away when I was 23, yet through an odd series of events she gave me birthday present 9 months after her...
Written by Adam on May 20, 2019. 4 comments.
Cal Newport’s latest book, Digital Minimalism, focuses on how to live a healthy life and coexist with modern day dist...
Written by Adam on April 22, 2019. 9 comments.
I read 100 books in 2018. Here’s a look at my overall favorites that you should check out along with a few tips on ho...
Written by Adam on January 7, 2019. 9 comments.
It takes a while to understand where someone is coming from – usually years of reading someone’s blog. In this post I...
Written by Adam on September 10, 2018. 17 comments.
In my 20s I job-hopped quite a bit – always seeking out more interesting projects, more engaged teams, and higher pay...
Written by Adam on August 27, 2018.
A recent trip to Laos changed my view of consumption and what I need to be happy. With only a few interactions – with...
Written by Adam on August 20, 2018. 4 comments.
Exposure to computers from an early age helped me feel comfortable and confident when creating with them later in life.
Written by Adam on July 30, 2018. 6 comments.
What do you want your life to be? One way to understand that is to create a list of the 101 things that you want to s...
Written by Adam on May 28, 2018. 10 comments.
You don’t need to be a master to accomplish your goals. Spending all of your time perfecting one aspect can hold you ...
Written by Adam on April 23, 2018. 2 comments.
Traditions like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and 4th of July are a huge part of American culture. These traditions spawn ...
Written by Adam on April 12, 2018. 3 comments.
For March, I concentrated on trying public transportation in Salt Lake City to see if I enjoyed using it as part of m...
Written by Adam on March 30, 2018. 1 comment.
Have you ever intended to do something productive, but then life got in the way? Here are some ways you can become mo...
Written by Adam on March 8, 2018. 2 comments.
For March, I’m hoping to slow down and spend more time intentionally traveling. Not traveling in the distance sense, ...
Written by Adam on March 2, 2018. 4 comments.
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