Tags > highlights
Here are all 39 posts with the highlights tag.
For the first time in our lives, we traveled with a guide and a schedule to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. The cost of t...
Written by Adam on August 6, 2018. 36 comments.
Every quarter I go over every expense I have and categorize it. This has led to a wealth of information on my own spe...
Written by Adam on May 22, 2018. 11 comments.
People use the terms “fire”, “lean fire” and “fat fire” all the time – but what do they mean? In this data-driven pos...
Written by Adam on May 14, 2018. 22 comments.
What is your path to early retirement? Having a set goal is one thing, but designing a life with an irresistible stai...
Written by Adam on May 7, 2018. 7 comments.
The salary difference between men and women has been studied in many different times in many different fields. In eac...
Written by Adam on April 30, 2018. 28 comments.
You don’t need to be a master to accomplish your goals. Spending all of your time perfecting one aspect can hold you ...
Written by Adam on April 23, 2018. 2 comments.
I grew up in a house. After a few years in college in apartments, I quickly moved into a house after graduation. I th...
Written by Adam on March 5, 2018. 24 comments.
A method to help you estimate how much money you need to retire early and be financially independence while achieving...
Written by Adam on December 5, 2017. 42 comments.
Analysis of 10k people pursuing financial independence shows most millennials could retire by 40. Here’s what they’ll...
Written by Adam on November 6, 2017. 15 comments.
By tracking monthly expenses and computing savings rate over time, it can become crystal clear if your finances are m...
Written by Adam on August 7, 2017. 21 comments.
A super simple way to get started investing by walking you through how to create a Vanguard account and setup a three...
Written by Adam on August 3, 2017. 23 comments.
A terrible experience with a tenant soured me to the idea of being a landlord for years. I recently revisited the top...
Written by Adam on July 26, 2017. 10 comments.
Every year, I break down what I did during the previous 365 days. In 2016, my themes were working on Code School, tra...
Written by Adam on January 1, 2017. 1 comment.
The biggest overall themes for my year were: Code School, travel, blogging again, health focus, cocktails, video game...
Written by Adam on January 1, 2016. 1 comment.
The main themes for the year were Code School, travel, audiobooks, Angular and Mrs. Minafi. We traveled to Japan this...
Written by Adam on January 1, 2015. 1 comment.
The biggest parts of my life this year were: Mrs. Minafi, Code School, CrossFit, audiobooks, learning Ember.js, and l...
Written by Adam on January 1, 2014. 1 comment.
My major focus of 2012 was around living healthy. Going the gym, eating cleaner and using that energy to enjoy life.
Written by Adam on January 1, 2013. 1 comment.
This was spent exploring and trying new things. We utilized our Disney passes to the fullest, had a whirlwind week in...
Written by Adam on January 1, 2012. 1 comment.
This year focused around refining my development skills, traveling mostly within the southeast and challenging myself...
Written by Adam on January 1, 2011. 2 comments.
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