WMBGX : Wells Fargo WealthBuilder Moderate Balanced Fund Class A

WMBGX is a Allocation Market All-In-One with MODERATE fees.


Wells Fargo WealthBuilder Moderate Balanced Fund Class A

FI Score

  • wmbgx
  • Mutual Fund
  • Allocation
  • All-In-One

Wells Fargo WealthBuilder Moderate Balanced Fund Class A

Expenses: 0.75% (Better than 1% of similar funds)

This is a bad choice for a All-In-One Allocation fund. See why »

Fund Summary

The investment seeks a combination of current income and capital appreciation. The fund is a fund-of-funds that invests in various affiliated mutual funds, unaffiliated mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds ("underlying funds") to pursue its investment objective. It seeks to achieve the fund's investment objective by allocating up to 50% of its assets to stock funds, up to 65% of its assets to bond funds and up to 20% of its assets to alternative investment funds. The fund invests 40% of its total assets in stock funds; 55% of its total assets in bond funds; and 5% of its total assets in alternative investment funds.

Largest Holdings

16.47%Wells Fargo Core Bond A
12.78%Wells Fargo Bloomberg BarclaysUSAggexCor
9.23%Wells Fargo Strategic Income Inst
9.02%Wells Fargo Disciplined Large Cap
7.90%Wells Fargo Factor Enhanced Large Cap
5.31%E-mini Nasdaq 100 Future June 20
4.77%Wells Fargo Factor Enhanced Intern
3.84%Wells Fargo Global Invmt Grd Crdt R6
3.82%iShares Core US Aggregate Bond ETF
3.66%Wells Fargo Alternative Risk Pre R6

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