WISEX : Azzad Wise Capital Fund

WISEX is a Bond Market High Yield Bond with HIGH fees.


Azzad Wise Capital Fund

FI Score

19 /100

Expense Ratio Rating

3 /10

Expense Rating

0 /10

Market Score

3 /10

Category Score

0 /10

Market Size

3 /10

19% FI Score
  • wisex
  • Mutual Fund
  • Bond
  • High Yield Bond

Azzad Wise Capital Fund

Expenses: 1.29% (Better than 0% of similar funds)

This is a bad choice for a High Yield Bond Bond fund. See why ยป

Fund Summary

The investment seeks to provide shareholders with capital preservation and income. The fund invests primarily in fixed income securities issued for payment by international financial institutions, foreign governments, and agencies of foreign governments in transactions structured to be compliant with the fund's ethical investment guidelines. It does not invest in corporations that derive substantial revenue (defined as more than 5% of total revenue) from alcohol, tobacco, pornography, pork, gambling, hydraulic fracturing, private prisons, or weapons industries as determined by the Adviser. The fund is non-diversified.

Largest Holdings

Amount Holding
3.15% QIB Sukuk Ltd. 3.251%
3.12% SIB Sukuk Co. III Ltd. 3.084%
2.90% APICORP Sukuk Limited 3.141%
1.95% KSA Sukuk Limited 4.3%
1.95% Saudi Electricity Global Sukuk Company 4.211%
1.84% EQUATE SUKUK SPC LTD., 3.944%, 02/21/2024
1.83% Perusahaan Penerbit SBSN Indonesia III 3.3%
1.81% IDB Trust Services Ltd 1.96%
1.77% RAK CAPITAL 3.094%
1.69% Oman Sovereign Sukuk S A O C 5.93%

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