VRGCX : Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2040 Fund Class CX

VRGCX is a Allocation Market Target-Date with HIGH fees.


Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2040 Fund Class CX

FI Score

16 /100

Expense Ratio Rating

1 /10

Expense Rating

0 /10

Market Score

2 /10

Category Score

5 /10

Market Size

2 /10

16% FI Score
  • vrgcx
  • Mutual Fund
  • Allocation
  • Target-Date

Invesco Balanced-Risk Retirement 2040 Fund Class CX

Expenses: 1.00% (Better than 0% of similar funds)

This is a bad choice for a Target-Date Allocation fund. See why ยป

Fund Summary

The investment seeks total return with a low to moderate correlation to traditional financial market indices, and as a secondary objective, capital preservation. The fund builds a portfolio that includes Invesco Balanced-Risk Allocation Fund, Invesco Balanced-Risk Aggressive Allocation Fund and two affiliated money market funds, Invesco Government & Agency Portfolio and Invesco Treasury Portfolio. It is designed for investors who expect to need all or most of their money in the fund at retirement and for investors who plan to withdraw the value of their account in the fund gradually after retirement. The fund is non-diversified.

Largest Holdings

Amount Holding
66.55% Invesco Balanced-Risk Allc R6
32.76% Invesco Balanced-Risk Agrsv Allc

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