USCCX : USAA Cornerstone Conservative Fund

USCCX is a Allocation Market All-In-One with LOW fees.


USAA Cornerstone Conservative Fund

FI Score

  • usccx
  • Mutual Fund
  • Allocation
  • All-In-One

USAA Cornerstone Conservative Fund

Expenses: 0.10% (Better than 1% of similar funds)

This is an OK choice for a All-In-One Allocation fund. See why »

Fund Summary

The investment seeks current income; the fund also considers the potential for capital appreciation. The fund's principal investment strategy is to invest its assets in a selection of affiliated mutual funds and exchange-traded funds ("ETFs") ("underlying affiliated funds") consisting of a target asset class allocation of approximately 20% equity securities and 80% fixed-income securities. This is often referred to as a fund-of-funds investment strategy. The actual asset class allocation can deviate from time to time from these targets as market conditions warrant. It may invest in investment-grade and below-investment-grade fixed-income securities.

Largest Holdings

28.63%USAA Income Institutional
21.75%USAA Government Securities Institutional
15.65%USAA Intermediate-Term Bond Instl
8.55%VictoryShares USAA Cor Intmdt-Trm Bd ETF
3.19%USAA Short-Term Bond Institutional
3.05%USAA International Institutional
2.95%USAA High Income Institutional
2.77%USAA 500 Index Reward
2.10%VictoryShares USAA MSCI USA Vl Mntm ETF
1.81%USAA Target Managed Allocation

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