TMMAX : SEI Institutional Managed Trust Tax-Managed Volatility Fund Class F

TMMAX is a US Stocks Market Large Value with HIGH fees.


SEI Institutional Managed Trust Tax-Managed Volatility Fund Class F

FI Score

43 /100

Expense Ratio Rating

4 /10

Expense Rating

0 /10

Market Score

6 /10

Category Score

8 /10

Market Size

6 /10

43% FI Score
  • tmmax
  • Mutual Fund
  • US Stocks
  • Large Value

SEI Institutional Managed Trust Tax-Managed Volatility Fund Class F

Expenses: 1.00% (Better than 0% of similar funds)

This is a bad choice for a Large Value US Stocks fund. See why ยป

Fund Summary

The investment seeks to maximize after-tax returns, but with a lower level of volatility than the broad U.S. equity markets. The fund will typically invest in securities of U.S. companies of all capitalization ranges. These securities may include common stocks, preferred stocks, warrants and ETFs. It may also, to a lesser extent, invest in American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), real estate investment trusts (REITs), and securities of non-U.S. companies.

Largest Holdings

Amount Holding
3.00% Walmart Inc
2.79% Johnson & Johnson
2.53% Pfizer Inc
2.44% Apple Inc
2.26% Verizon Communications Inc
2.15% Merck & Co Inc
2.02% Intel Corp
1.68% Microsoft Corp
1.62% Eli Lilly and Co
1.60% Amdocs Ltd

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