PDLEX : Prudential Day One 2060 Fund Class R2

PDLEX is a Allocation Market Target-Date with HIGH fees.


Prudential Day One 2060 Fund Class R2

FI Score

33 /100

Expense Ratio Rating

5 /10

Expense Rating

6 /10

Market Score

0 /10

Category Score

5 /10

Market Size

0 /10

33% FI Score
  • pdlex
  • Mutual Fund
  • Allocation
  • Target-Date

Prudential Day One 2060 Fund Class R2

Expenses: 0.41% (Better than 0% of similar funds)

This is a bad choice for a Target-Date Allocation fund. See why ยป

Fund Summary

The investment seeks a balance between growth and conservation of capital. The fund pursues its objective by investing in a diversified portfolio of other mutual funds within the PGIM fund family (collectively, "underlying funds") that represent various asset classes and sectors. It will invest in underlying funds that provide exposure to equity, fixed income and non-traditional asset classes. The fund is designed for investors expecting to retire in or close to the year 2060 (the "target date").

Largest Holdings

Amount Holding
24.81% PGIM QMA Large-Cap Core Equity R6
22.79% PGIM QMA International Dev Mkts Idx R6
15.81% PGIM QMA US Broad Market Index R6
10.07% PGIM QMA Mid-Cap Core Equity R6
8.97% PGIM QMA Emerging Markets Equity R6
5.01% PGIM Jennison Small-Cap Core Equity R6
4.93% PGIM Global Real Estate R6
3.92% PGIM Total Return Bond R6
2.99% PGIM QMA Commodity Strategies R6

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