PDBRX : PGIM Total Return Bond Fund -Class R2

PDBRX is a Bond Market Total US Bond Market with HIGH fees.


PGIM Total Return Bond Fund -Class R2

FI Score

  • pdbrx
  • Mutual Fund
  • Bond
  • Total US Bond Market

PGIM Total Return Bond Fund -Class R2

Expenses: 0.90% (Better than 0% of similar funds)

This is an OK choice for a Total US Bond Market Bond fund. See why »

Fund Summary

The investment seeks total return. The fund will seek to achieve its objective through a mix of current income and capital appreciation as determined by the fund's subadviser. It invests, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of the fund's investable assets in bonds. For purposes of this policy, bonds include all fixed income securities, other than preferred stock, with a maturity at date of issue of greater than one year. The fund may invest up to 30% of its investable assets in speculative, high risk, below investment-grade securities having a rating of not lower than CCC. It may invest up to 30% of its investable assets in foreign debt securities.

Largest Holdings

1.66%United States Treasury Bonds 3.38%
1.39%Portugal (Republic Of) 5.12%
1.05%Ultra US Treasury Bond Future June 20
0.54%Republika Slovenija 5.25%
0.49%Greece (Republic Of) 5.2%
0.48%Serbia (Republic Of) 7.25%
0.48%Wells Fargo & Company 4.48%
0.44%United States Treasury Bonds 2.38%

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