MFFSX : MFS Lifetime 2050 Fund Class A

MFFSX is a Allocation Market Target-Date with MODERATE fees.


MFS Lifetime 2050 Fund Class A

FI Score

  • mffsx
  • Mutual Fund
  • Allocation
  • Target-Date

MFS Lifetime 2050 Fund Class A

Expenses: 0.25% (Better than 1% of similar funds)

This is an OK choice for a Target-Date Allocation fund. See why »

Fund Summary

The investment seeks a high level of total return consistent with its asset allocation until the approximate retirement year in 2050; thereafter, the fund will seek total return through a combination of current income and capital appreciation. The fund is designed to provide diversification among different asset classes for investors with the approximate retirement year in 2050. It invests substantially all of its assets in other MFS mutual funds, referred to as underlying funds.

Largest Holdings

10.76%MFS Blended Research Intl Eq R6
9.99%MFS Blended Research Mid Cap Eq R6
6.29%MFS Blended Research Growth Eq R6
6.24%MFS Growth R6
5.91%MFS Blended Research Value Equity R6
5.91%MFS Value R6
5.02%MFS Mid Cap Growth R6
4.97%MFS Mid Cap Value R6
4.89%MFS Global Real Estate R6
4.78%MFS Commodity Strategy R6

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