LZISX : Lazard International Small Cap Equity Portfolio Institutional Shares

LZISX is a International Stocks Market Mid-Cap Growth with LOW fees.


Lazard International Small Cap Equity Portfolio Institutional Shares

FI Score

31 /100

Expense Ratio Rating

9 /10

Expense Rating

0 /10

Market Score

1 /10

Category Score

5 /10

Market Size

1 /10

31% FI Score
  • lzisx
  • Mutual Fund
  • International Stocks
  • Mid-Cap Growth

Lazard International Small Cap Equity Portfolio Institutional Shares

Expenses: 1.14% (Better than 1% of similar funds)

This is a bad choice for a Mid-Cap Growth International Stocks fund. See why ยป

Fund Summary

The investment seeks long-term capital appreciation. The fund invests primarily in equity securities, principally common stocks, of relatively small non-U.S. companies that the Investment Manager believes are undervalued based on their earnings, cash flow or asset values. The Investment Manager considers "small non-U.S. companies" to be those non-U.S. companies with market capitalizations, at the time of initial purchase by the Portfolio, below $5 billion and above $300 million or in the range of companies included in the MSCI EAFE Small Cap Index.

Largest Holdings

Amount Holding
2.64% Arteria Networks Corp
2.56% Karnov Group AB
2.32% JTC PLC Ordinary Shares
2.10% Flatex Ag
2.06% Dermapharm Holding SE Bearer Shares
2.04% Tsuruha Holdings Inc
1.96% Pennon Group PLC
1.88% ASM International NV
1.73% TeamViewer AG Bearer Shares
1.57% Kojamo Oyj

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