FSTYX : Federated Short-Term Income Fund Institutional Shares

FSTYX is a Bond Market High Yield Bond with LOW fees.


Federated Short-Term Income Fund Institutional Shares

FI Score

67 /100

Expense Ratio Rating

9 /10

Expense Rating

6 /10

Market Score

8 /10

Category Score

0 /10

Market Size

8 /10

67% FI Score
  • fstyx
  • Mutual Fund
  • Bond
  • High Yield Bond

Federated Short-Term Income Fund Institutional Shares

Expenses: 0.37% (Better than 1% of similar funds)

This is an OK choice for a High Yield Bond Bond fund. See why ยป

Fund Summary

The investment seeks current income. In pursuing its principal investment strategies, the fund invests in a diversified portfolio of fixed-income securities consisting of U.S. government and privately issued mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities, corporate debt securities and U.S. Treasury and agency securities. At least 65% of the fund's securities must be rated A or higher by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization. Its investment adviser seeks to enhance the fund's performance by allocating relatively more of its portfolio to the security type that the Adviser expects to offer the best balance between current income and risk.

Largest Holdings

Amount Holding
4.27% 2 Year Treasury Note Future June 20
3.24% 5 Year Treasury Note Future June 20
2.76% United States Treasury Notes 2.12%
2.18% Federated Mortgage Core Portfolio
1.79% 10 Year Treasury Note Future June 20
1.44% United States Treasury Notes 2.5%
0.83% American Express Credit Account Master Trust 3.35%
0.73% High Yield Bond Portfolio
0.69% Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 1.54%

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