EMBCX : VanEck Emerging Markets Bond Fund Class C

EMBCX is a Bond Market High Yield Bond with HIGH fees.


VanEck Emerging Markets Bond Fund Class C

FI Score

5 /100

Expense Ratio Rating

1 /10

Expense Rating

0 /10

Market Score

1 /10

Category Score

0 /10

Market Size

1 /10

  • embcx
  • Mutual Fund
  • Bond
  • High Yield Bond

VanEck Emerging Markets Bond Fund Class C

Expenses: 1.96% (Better than 0% of similar funds)

This is a bad choice for a High Yield Bond Bond fund. See why ยป

Fund Summary

The investment seeks total return, consisting of income and capital appreciation. The fund normally invests at least 80% of its net assets in emerging market debt securities. An instrument will qualify as an emerging market debt security if it is either (i) issued by an emerging market government, quasi-government or corporate entity (regardless of the currency in which it is denominated) or (ii) denominated in the currency of an emerging market country (regardless of the location of the issuer). The fund is non-diversified.

Largest Holdings

Amount Holding
5.10% Uruguay (Republic of) 8.5%
4.53% Republic of South Africa 10.5%
4.15% Indonesia (Republic of) 7.5%
3.89% Indonesia (Republic of) 8.25%
3.75% Azerbaijan (Republ 5.12%
3.39% Gabonese (Republic of) 6.62%
2.88% Mexico (United Mexican States) 8.5%
2.76% Republic of South Africa 8%
2.70% Uruguay (Republic of) 9.88%
2.21% Ukraine(Rep Of) 7.38%

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