EKSAX : Wells Fargo Diversified Income Builder Fund - Class A

EKSAX is a Allocation Market All-In-One with MODERATE fees.


Wells Fargo Diversified Income Builder Fund - Class A

FI Score

43 /100

Expense Ratio Rating

5 /10

Expense Rating

2 /10

Market Score

5 /10

Category Score

5 /10

Market Size

5 /10

43% FI Score
  • eksax
  • Mutual Fund
  • Allocation
  • All-In-One

Wells Fargo Diversified Income Builder Fund - Class A

Expenses: 0.85% (Better than 1% of similar funds)

This is a bad choice for a All-In-One Allocation fund. See why ยป

Fund Summary

The investment seeks long-term total return, consisting of current income and capital appreciation. The fund invests at least 80% of the fund's total assets in a diversified portfolio of U.S. and non-U.S. income-producing securities of any quality. It invests up to 40% of its total assets in equity securities. The target allocation ranges for its investments are 60% to 90% in debt securities and 10% to 40% in equity securities. Within the fund's equity allocation, it generally invests in dividend paying common and preferred stocks, real estate investment trusts and master limited partnerships.

Largest Holdings

Amount Holding
5.23% E-mini Nasdaq 100 Future June 20
2.42% TTM Technologies Inc 5.62%
2.00% Valvoline Inc 4.38%
1.91% Hang Seng Index Future May 20
1.79% Iron Mountain Incorporated 4.88%
1.79% Installed Building Products Inc 5.75%
1.64% Koppers Incorporated 6%
1.63% Tronox Finance Plc 5.75%

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