EDI : Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund

EDI is a Bond Market High Yield Bond with HIGH fees.


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund

FI Score

39 /100

Expense Ratio Rating

1 /10

Expense Rating

0 /10

Market Score

10 /10

Category Score

0 /10

Market Size

10 /10

39% FI Score
  • edi
  • Mutual Fund
  • Bond
  • High Yield Bond

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund

Expenses: 2.02% (Better than 0% of similar funds)

This is a bad choice for a High Yield Bond Bond fund. See why ยป

Fund Summary

Largest Holdings

Amount Holding
6.94% Indonesia (Republic of) 8.375%
6.02% Russian Federation 7.7%
5.06% Avenir II B.V. 9.41%
4.82% Egypt (Arab Republic of) 8.5%
4.29% Republic of Argentina
4.04% Nota Do Tesouro Nacional
3.72% Republic of Ecuador 10.75%
3.61% Republic Of Iraq (Counterparty: Bank Of America - Merrill Lynch)
3.51% Nota Do Tesouro Nacional
3.44% iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF
3.36% Republic of Nigeria
3.18% The Independent State of Papua New Guinea 8.38%
2.88% Ghana, Republic of 8.63%
2.76% Republic of Zambia
2.43% Petroleos Mexicanos 7.19%
2.43% Republic of South Africa
2.32% MV24 Capital B V 6.75%
2.19% Cameroon (Republic of) 9.5%
2.07% The Independent State of Papua New Guinea 8.38%
2.06% Ivory Coast Government
2.06% Colombian TES
1.91% Uruguay (Republic of) 4.38%
1.89% Petroleos Mexicanos 6.84%
1.83% Republic Of Iraq (Counterparty: Bank Of America - Merrill Lynch)
1.79% Mozambique International Bond

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