CONWX : Concorde Wealth Management Fund

CONWX is a Allocation Market All-In-One with HIGH fees.


Concorde Wealth Management Fund

FI Score

12 /100

Expense Ratio Rating

1 /10

Expense Rating

0 /10

Market Score

1 /10

Category Score

5 /10

Market Size

1 /10

12% FI Score
  • conwx
  • Mutual Fund
  • Allocation
  • All-In-One

Concorde Wealth Management Fund

Expenses: 1.68% (Better than 0% of similar funds)

This is a bad choice for a All-In-One Allocation fund. See why ยป

Fund Summary

The investment seeks total return, from both appreciation of value and generation of current income, within the context of preservation of capital. The fund invests primarily in a portfolio of (i) equity securities that the adviser believes are undervalued, (ii) debt securities that offer appropriate current returns that are commensurate with related risks and (iii) private equity, based on risk and return attributes as dictated by broad market and economic conditions. It normally invests approximately 40% to 60% of the fund's total assets in equity securities and 40% to 60% in fixed income securities.

Largest Holdings

Amount Holding
7.37% United States Treasury Notes 1.88%
4.85% United States Treasury Notes 2.25%
4.72% Microsoft Corp
4.37% Sprott Physical Gold Trust
4.08% Texas Pacific Land Trust
3.81% Pioneer ILS Interval
3.53% Union Pacific Corp
3.30% Llr Equity Partners V L.P.
2.49% Franco-Nevada Corp
2.43% Partners Group Private Equity Llc - Class I

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