AZBAX : AllianzGI Small-Cap Fund Class A

AZBAX is a US Stocks Market Small Blend with HIGH fees.


AllianzGI Small-Cap Fund Class A

FI Score

30 /100

Expense Ratio Rating

5 /10

Expense Rating

0 /10

Market Score

3 /10

Category Score

5 /10

Market Size

3 /10

30% FI Score
  • azbax
  • Mutual Fund
  • US Stocks
  • Small Blend

AllianzGI Small-Cap Fund Class A

Expenses: 1.18% (Better than 0% of similar funds)

This is a bad choice for a Small Blend US Stocks fund. See why ยป

Fund Summary

The investment seeks long-term capital appreciation. The fund seeks to achieve its objective by normally investing at least 80% of its net assets (plus borrowings made for investment purposes) in companies with smaller market capitalizations. The manager expects to invest principally in U.S. companies but may invest to a lesser extent in non-U.S. companies. The manager currently considers smaller market capitalization companies to be companies with market capitalizations that are smaller than the largest company in the Russell 2000 Index.

Largest Holdings

Amount Holding
1.73% Tetra Tech Inc
1.57% Mantech International Corp Class A
1.55% LHC Group Inc
1.43% Black Hills Corp
1.36% Charles River Laboratories International Inc
1.21% FTI Consulting Inc
1.18% Repligen Corp
1.03% Generac Holdings Inc
1.03% Amedisys Inc
1.02% PTC Therapeutics Inc

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