ATPCX : Aquila Three Peaks High Income Fund Class C

ATPCX is a Bond Market High Yield Bond with HIGH fees.


Aquila Three Peaks High Income Fund Class C

FI Score

15 /100

Expense Ratio Rating

1 /10

Expense Rating

0 /10

Market Score

4 /10

Category Score

0 /10

Market Size

4 /10

15% FI Score
  • atpcx
  • Mutual Fund
  • Bond
  • High Yield Bond

Aquila Three Peaks High Income Fund Class C

Expenses: 1.99% (Better than 0% of similar funds)

This is a bad choice for a High Yield Bond Bond fund. See why ยป

Fund Summary

The investment seeks to obtain high current income; capital appreciation is a secondary objective. The fund normally invests at least 80% of its net assets plus any borrowings for investment purposes in income-producing securities. Its portfolio will typically include a high proportion, perhaps even 100%, of high-yield/high-risk securities rated below investment grade. The bonds the fund purchases can be of any maturity but the average effective weighted maturity of the fund's portfolio will normally be within one year of the average maturity of the Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate High Yield Total Return Index Value Unhedged.

Largest Holdings

Amount Holding
4.16% GCI, Inc. 6.88%
2.88% Iron Mountain Incorporated 6%
2.52% Service Corporation International 5.38%
1.93% Albertsons Companies, LLC. 5.75%
1.73% Booz Allen Hamilton Hldg Corp 5.12%
1.63% Reynolds Group Issuer LLC. 7%
1.63% Albertsons Companies, LLC. 6.62%
1.60% Vistra Energy Corporation 5.88%
1.50% Change Healthcare Holdings LLC/ Change Healthcare Finance Inc 5.75%
1.45% Ingles Markets, Incorporated 5.75%

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