Why Should You Invest In the Stock Market?

A deep dive into why the stock market is one of the easiest and safest investments you can make.

Basic Difficulty

2-3 hours Duration

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What to Expect From This Course

A deep dive into why the stock market is one of the easiest and safest investments you can make.

This course consists of:

  • 6 Videos (about 2 hours)
  • 1 Activity (about 1 hour)

You can complete it in about 2-3 hours, or you can spend an hour a week for 2 weeks.

About the Author

By Adam

Hi, I'm Adam! I help millennials invest to reach financial independence sooner than they ever thought possible. Want to see what you could do to reach FI sooner? You're in the right place!

About This Course

This course turns the concept of investing into reality by starting with the basics. This isn’t about choosing the right stocks to day trade. It’s about understanding how the market works at a high level so that you can make confident decisions about your investments going forward.

Each video focuses on a specific topic, usually with 3 main points to help drive it home. These concepts were specifically organized in a way to build off each other and hit on the most important topics.

By the end of this course you should have a solid understanding of what it means when people say “you should invest in the stock market”.

Minafi - The intersection of FI, minimalism & mindfulness.

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