How To Choose The Right Fund

Let's take everything we've learned and put it together. We'll analyze a number of funds and go through the process of how to narrow funds down to the one that's just right for you.

Intermediate Difficulty

<30 minutes Duration

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What to Expect From This Course

Let's take everything we've learned and put it together. We'll analyze a number of funds and go through the process of how to narrow funds down to the one that's just right for you.

This course consists of:

  • 3 Articles (23 minutes)

You can complete it in about <30 minutes, or you can spend an hour a week for 0 weeks.

About the Author

By Adam

Hi, I'm Adam! I help millennials invest to reach financial independence sooner than they ever thought possible. Want to see what you could do to reach FI sooner? You're in the right place!

Common Questions

How much does this course cost?

This is a paid course here on Minafi.

If I don't like the course can I get a refund?

Absolutely. There's a 30-day money back guarentee. Just drop me a line and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Is there any time limit for completing a course?

Not at all. All courses are self-directed and self-paced. You can take it over a weekend or only visit Thursday nights when there's a full moon (Minafi's most popular day). Whatever works for you.

Can I take a course more than once?

Yep! You'll have full access to take and re-take each course from now until the end of time.

What if I have questions about the course?

There are a few options here!

  • If you spot an error in a course, please let me know and I'll do my best to fix things straight away.
  • If you have an investing question, either ask it in the discussion board for that course, or jump on the Minafi Slack and ask there.
  • If you have a personal question where you'd like to discuss in a video call, I offer personal coaching at a rate of $250 for an hour chat. If you'd like to chat, please reach out to me and we can chat.

How do I resume a course?

After logging in, you'll be able to see your current progress in all of your current courses on your dashboard. You can jump back into any course you've started from there, or check out the courses list to find a new course to start.

Can I download the course?

Yes! Once you've purchased a course, you'll be able to download a PDF of the content from each course. You'll also be able to download the videos in either HD or SD format. Sadly the interactive elements won't work outside of the course. Those require a web browser and an internet connection to function.

Do you have another question?

Feel free to ask me!

Minafi - The intersection of FI, minimalism & mindfulness.

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© 2025   Adam Fortuna

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