Learn how to invest and you could see your money grow 2x as fast!

Compared to investing with an advisor over 30 years (1% expenses + 1% fees) Already a member? Login

Minafi Investor Bootcamp Full access. Forever access. Pay what you want.*

$ 1 /course One-time fee


  • Full access to all current and future courses!
    10 courses in total so far
  • A 3-month guided plan to learn how to invest
    Complete at your own pace
  • 17 hours and 20 minutes in course content
  • 1+ hours of videos!
  • 10 activities for you to complete

Feedback & Community

  • An account to give away!*

Pay What You Want

So far, the average amount chosen is $35.00.

Note: You can giveaway a membership to anyone! I recommend giving it away to someone else in your household so you can both have a shared understanding of what investing means to you. Pay as little as $1/course – $10 for the entire bootcamp.

Bootcamp & Coaching Full access. Forever access.*

$ 799 One-time fee
  • Everything included in the Bootcamp


  • A 1 hour personal coaching call to help you get started
  • Email me with any questions
  • Three more 1 hour Coaching Checkin Video Calls, enough for one after each month

Or create a free account and to gain access to the first course for free.

Teachers, student and anyone with military service qualify for
free access to the Minafi Investor Bootcamp! Head over here to find out how.

People ♥️ Minafi!

Our free course has helped thousands of people learn
how to invest. Here's what people have said about it.

This course was fantastic! I thought I knew what I was doing with my IRA and 401(k) but this made it easier and helped me understand everything!

I now can make more informed choices in where my money goes and how to make sure I'm setting myself up for the best returns later.

As an aspiring FIRE Mama this helped get me on track to earn more faster.

FIRE Mama WkndMom

This course starts from the very basics and takes you all the way through making investments and building them for long-term success.

No matter what step of the process you're on, there's something here for you.

Adam explains investing concepts clearly and gives challenges each week, which makes it easy to get started.

Steve Steve Nay

All articles in this course were helpful and well thought-out.

I learned a great deal and when I had a question, Adam responded quickly!

These articles have certainly given me lots to think about on my own FIRE journey and I appreciate the time and effort Adam spends to educate others.

Grace Grace

Investor Bootcamp Roadmap

Here's a look at what you should expect.


Decide you want to take control of your investments!

Go through Minafi's free Minimal Investor Course


Complete the first month of courses at your own pace.

Have a 1-hour coaching call and set a goal for yourself.

Develop an understanding of how to invest on your own.

Create an asset allocation for your investments and get feedback on it.

Open any accounts needed and move money into.

Get feedback on your investment plan before jumping in – if you need it.

Setup automatic transactions to invest from your paycheck.

Ditch your financial advisor and invest on your own [Optionally]

Make a plan on how you'll become financially independent! [Optionally]


Continue learning to invest at your own pace.

Ask questions to the Minafi community, or answers questions by others.

After you complete the Bootcamp, you'll be able to confidently invest on your own!

The Minafi Investing Approach

Our approach to investing is nothing new. It focuses on a few core concepts:

  • Invests in the minimum funds needed for diversification.
  • Reduces financial advisor fees to their minimum.
  • Reduces expense ratio fees to their minimum.
  • Reduce time spent on investments to a minimum.
  • Reduces taxes to their minimum.

Notice a theme?
Grow your wealth by investing for the long-term
and by not paying out fees and taxes.

Bootcamp Curriculum

Here's a look at the full content from the Investor Bootcamp. Some courses are already released, and some are coming soon!

The Minimal Investor

Learn everything you need to know to invest for the rest of your life.

10 Lessons Basic about 3 hours 1,298 students

Bonds Stocks Taxes Investing
Why Should You Invest In the Stock Market?

A deep dive into why the stock market is one of the easiest and safest investments you can make.

7 Lessons Basic about 2 hours

Stocks Investing
1 free
How to Make Money in the Stock Market

It's not about constantly monitoring the market and making trades. Learn how long-term investors grow their wealth without the need to constantly monitor them.

7 Lessons Basic about 1 hour

Bonds Stocks Investing
1 free
The Four Pillars of Investing

Compound interest, diversification, fees and taxes make up the core pillars of a solid investing strategy.

7 Lessons Advanced about 1 hour

Compound Interest Diversification Fees Bonds Stocks Taxes Investing
1 free
How To Choose The Right Fund

Let's take everything we've learned and put it together. We'll analyze a number of funds and go through the process of how to narrow funds down to the one that's just right for you.

3 Lessons Intermediate 23 minutes

Diversification Fees Bonds Stocks Taxes Investing
Members Only
Create Your Ideal Asset Allocation

Plan out what funds you'll invest in and in which accounts for maximized diversification and tax-efficiency.

6 Lessons Intermediate about 2 hours

Bonds Stocks Investing
1 free
Make Your Investment

Open any accounts you need to invest and make your actual investments.

7 Lessons Advanced about 2 hours

Bonds Stocks Investing
4 free
Ditch Your Financial Advisor

If you're currently investing with a financial advisor, managing your own money can save you a bunch over a lifetime.

3 Lessons Advanced about 2 hours

Advisor Investing
1 free
Plan Your Future

Make a plan for how you'll invest your time going forward.

10 Lessons Intermediate about 3 hours 1,845 students

Financial Independence Mindfulness
6 free
Retire in Style

Create a plan for how you'll withdraw funds from your accounts.

8 Lessons Basic about 2 hours 2,361 students

Mindset Retirement Taxes
3 free

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

How long will I have access to Minafi?

I don't believe in subscriptions for access. Instead, all Minafi plans give you access for as long as Minafi is around for. I strive to keep Minafi's costs down which should allow it to be around for many many years to come.

Could I learn the contents of this bootcamp on my own?

Absolutely! The investing strategy I lay out in this bootcamp is the same one recommended by Warren Buffett, John Bogle and investment advisors around the world – diversified, low-fee, index-fund investing.

If you'd like to try to learn this on your own without the bootcamp, I highly recommend reading The Bogleheads Guide to Investing which will give an amazing overview of how to invest in the same way I go over in this bootcamp.

How does the give away account work?

When you sign up, you'll be able to invite one other person to join on that account. They'll get forever access to all courses as well! On your dashboard you'll have a place to copy an invite link. Send that to whoever you want to join and they'll get free access. You'll be able to see what percent of the bootcamp they've completed and they'll be able to see yours.

Personal finance is a household thing. When everyone in the household understands the finances, it lowers anxiety throughout a home. I sincerely hope this helps you both develop a shared, confident relationship with money and investing. If you'd rather share it with a friend, that's awesome too!

Is there any time limit for completing a course or the entire bootcamp?

Not at all. All courses are self-directed and self-paced. You can take it over a weekend or only visit Thursday nights when there's a full moon (Minafi's most popular day). Whatever works for you.

How do the coaching calls work?

The intro call is a 1-hour video call. If you prefer it to be audio only, we can also do a phone call or an audio only Skype call. I have a calendar that allows you to pick a time when you want to meet and we'll meet then – just the two of us.

These calls don't expire, so you can use them whenever you want. I highly recommend using it towards the beginning. Based on where you are in your investing journey, I'll provide a list of things for you to bring to the chat so we can get the most out of our time together. Many people have mentioned that just getting these things organized has been immensely helpful!

What devices will the courses work on?

All courses are designed to be viewed with a web browser. They'll work on a computer, tablet or phone and tested with Chrome, Safari and Firefox. So long as you can watch videos on Youtube you're good.

Can I take a course more than once?

Yep! You'll have full access to take and re-take each course from now until the end of time (or until Minafi is no longer around – whichever comes first).

Can I really pay whatever I want?

Yes, pay whatever you like! $1, $100, $1,000 – whatever. Minafi is a passion project I started after I retired. I don't need Minafi to make money to pay my bills. This money goes to keep Minafi running, pay for it's hosting costs and fund new projects and visualizations.

What if I have questions about the course?

There are a few options here!

  • If you spot an error in a course, please let me know and I'll do my best to fix things straight away.
  • If you have a personal question where you'd like to discuss in a video call, I offer personal coaching at a rate of $250 for an hour chat. If you'd like to chat, please reach out to me and we can chat.

How do I resume a course?

After logging in, you'll be able to see your current progress in all of your current courses on your dashboard. You can jump back into any course you've started from there, or check out the courses list to find a new course to start.

Pricing Questions

How long will I have access to the courses?

You'll have access for as long as Minafi is around (hopefully many years!). In the distant future when robots have risen and Minafi eventually shuts down, I'll give you a chance to download all content you've purchased before it disappears (assuming the robot overloads permit this).

Will I really get access to new courses?

Yep! There are no subscriptions here. Pay once and get access to everything. I don't have plans to create more courses on Minafi beyond the 10 in the Minafi Investor Bootcamp but if there are more, you'll get access to those too.

What's the difference between the free and paid courses?

Two big things. 1) The first course is 100% free to everyone and focuses on basic concepts for investing. These are a great place to get started though! 2) The free course does not include any videos. Some of the paid courses do, with more videos on the roadmap.

If I don't like the bootcamp can I get a refund?

Absolutely. There's a 30-day money back guarentee. This guarentee is for all plans. Just drop me a line and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Course Questions

What is the format of the courses?

All courses on Minafi contain some combination of text, video, tasks, quizes and interactive elements. You can check out the course page for any course to see what is included.

The videos include some slides, but are often screencaptures of me actually investing or showing how to make real-world decisions. I love the interactive elements most. Those are helpful tools to visualize and understand topics using your own information and visualizing the results.

How long are the courses?

Each course on Minafi is different, but I try to keep them between 1 and 4 hours. This timeframe includes consuming content and completing all activies associated with the course. The total content for all courses right now is estimated to be 17 hours and 20 minutes. Whew, that's a lot!

Can I watch a course our of order?

You can. They're designed to be watched in order, but you should certainly skip lessons on topics you already know, or if you want to jump to learn a specific concept. Content is designed to build within each course, so lessons may reference parts from earlier in the course.

Join Now With No Risk

Give the Bootcamp a shot! If it's not a good fit,
you can get a full refund for 30 days.

Choose How Much To Pay!

So far, the average amount chosen is $35.00.

Minafi - The intersection of FI, minimalism & mindfulness.

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