Everyday Adventurer

Everyday Adventurer

I was raised in a rural area of Washington and am a country girl at heart. I'm a lifelong student trying to become an educator. My husband and I recently spent a year traveling outside the US, mostly in Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe. Now we are focusing our financial efforts on FI in 10-15 years.

About Everyday Adventurer

Age: 30

Household: DINKY

More About Everyday Adventurer

Location: Washington State

Location Type: Cheaper City

Website: https://everydayadventurer.report

Everyday Adventurer is listed in Minafi's Interactive Guide to Early Retirement and Financial Independence

Everyday Adventurer

Everyday Adventurer from Everyday Adventure

30, Woman, DINKY, Savings for FI, Washington State $100,000 networth. Spending $60,000/yr. FI by 40. RE by 80 in Planet Earth (cheaper city)

I was raised in a rural area of Washington and am a country girl at heart. I'm a lifelong student trying to become an educator. My husband and I recently spent a year traveling outside the US, mostly in Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe. Now we are focusing our financial efforts on FI in 10-15 years.

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