

By day I crunch numbers and build reports -- by night I run an illegal budgeting ring that's taking over the world one spreadsheet at a time. (Well, except for the illegal part.) I'm your classic math nerd with a little bit of entrepreneurial spirit and not a lot of sleep.

About Rebecca

Age: 34

Household: DINK

More About Rebecca

Location: Portland, OR

Location Type: Moderately Priced City


Rebecca is listed in Minafi's Interactive Guide to Early Retirement and Financial Independence


Rebecca from Vermillion

34, Woman, DINK, Savings for FI, Portland, OR Spending $33,000/yr. FI by 41. RE at not sure in the suburbs, small town, or somewhere quiet (cheaper city)

By day I crunch numbers and build reports -- by night I run an illegal budgeting ring that's taking over the world one spreadsheet at a time. (Well, except for the illegal part.) I'm your classic math nerd with a little bit of entrepreneurial spirit and not a lot of sleep.

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