Day 10: Ueno Park

Day 10: Ueno Park

Tokyo, Ueno Park, cherry blossoms, hanami & street food.


By Adam May 10, 2014

We missed the cherry blossom bloom in Kyoto, but were lucky enough to catch them in Tokyo where is happens slightly earlier. We seized the chance to visit Ueno Park, a large public park in Tokyo.

Ueno Park – 上野公園

On the opposite side of Tokyo as we were staying (as far as the Yamanote line goes) is Ueno Park. It’s not as dense with trees and shade as Yoyogi park, but is famous for its hundres of cherry blossoms that line the paths.

We took the train down, expecting a crowd, but the actual crowd was incredible! It was shoulder to shoulder throughout the park. With rain expected for the rest of the week, and the cherry blossom season already short, everyone was taking advantage of the clear day. The amount of blossoms was amazing at this park – turning the entire field of view white with blooms.

Food Vendors

There were street vendors with all variety of food next to business men and women taking their lunch breaks. We tried a number of treats including a pork skewer, a chocolate covered banana, some fried chicken and some beer to wash it down. This was more comfort food than exploration, but hit the spot.

Ueno Park during Cherry Blossom Season is both beautiful and packed. There’s no shortage of food or flowers for everyone to enjoy.

We continued south from the park, making our way to Akihabara – the district famous for its electronics and video games.

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