Day 3: Nishiki Market

Day 3: Nishiki Market

Kyōto, Nishiki Market.


By Adam May 10, 2014

We visited this market on day 3 of our first trip to Japan.

Planning out a few days in Kyoto means deciding which famous sites you want to visit and which you can leave out. There is no shortage of shrines and castles within a short train ride. Today was our day to explore the town and see some of the sites.

Nishiki Market – 錦市場

Within walking distance of our hotel was Nishiki Market, taking over a street and running about 8 blocks before coming in contact with another market running perpendicular to it providing more traditional shopping. The market thrives around 10am with vendors putting out their fresh tempura, fish, pickles and other wares. This market doesn’t start as early as some others, so don’t aim to get there right at opening, or you’ll probably see a lot of closed stalls. We woke up early and grabbed breakfast before exploring the market.

Bonito vendor
Bonito vendor

Bonito vendor

Fresh meat
Fresh meat

Fresh meats grilled up.

Dried squid
Dried squid

Dried squid.

Nishiki pickles
Nishiki pickles

Pickles ready to be sold.

Shiny floor
Shiny floor

The floor early in the morning was hosed off and ready for a day of action.

Nishiki shrine
Nishiki shrine

This shrine was hidden amongst the stalls in the market.

Sake shop
Sake shop

A sake shop in Nishiki market.

After a tasty exploration of the market, we kept heading east towards one of the most photographed sites in Kyoto – Kyomizudera Temple (pure water temple). A word of warning though: the walk from Nishiki Market to the template areas is LONG. It’s only 3km so normally it wouldn’t be too bad. But it’s uphill and in the heat. We decided to grab a taxi from the market to the temple and walk back (downhill) to conserve energy.

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