\n A comparison of the fees incurred by\n \n and\n \n over\n years.\n
\n\n Assume you invested\n \n and it grew for\n years\n\n while growing at a rate of\n /yr.\n
\n\n During this time, you also deposited an additional amount of\n \n each\n .\n
\n\nAssuming you initially invest {{currency(guide.initialAmount)}}\n \n and add an additional {{currency(guide.additionalDeposit)}} every {{guide.additionalDepositFrequency}}\n \n with a growth rate of {{percent_2(guide.growthRate)}} each year for {{guide.years}} years.\n
\n\n | \n Baseline \nNo Fees \n | \n \n {{guide.fundSymbolA}} \n | \n \n {{guide.fundSymbolB}} \n | \n
Fees | \n\n | ||
Expense Ratio Fee (%) | \n{{percent_2(0)}} | \n\n \n | \n\n \n | \n
Advisor Fee (%) | \n{{percent_2(0)}} | \n\n \n | \n\n \n | \n
Front Load (Purchase) Fee (%) | \n{{percent_2(0)}} | \n\n \n | \n\n \n | \n
Back Load (Redemption) Fee (%) | \n{{percent_2(0)}} | \n\n \n | \n\n \n | \n
Totals | \n\n | ||
Starting Value | \n{{currency(guide.initialAmount)}} | \n{{currency(guide.initialAmount)}} | \n{{currency(guide.initialAmount)}} | \n
Additional Deposits | \n{{currency(guide.additionalDepositTotal)}} | \n{{currency(guide.additionalDepositTotal)}} | \n{{currency(guide.additionalDepositTotal)}} | \n
Total Growth | \n{{currency(guide.totalGrowth)}} | \n{{currency(guide.totalGrowthA)}} | \n{{currency(guide.totalGrowthB)}} | \n
Total Fees | \n\n {{currency(0)}}\n ({{percent_2(0)}})\n | \n\n {{currency(guide.fundFeesA)}}\n ({{percent_2(guide.fundFeePercentA)}})\n | \n\n {{currency(guide.fundFeesB)}}\n ({{percent_2(guide.fundFeePercentB)}})\n | \n
End Value | \n{{currency(guide.endValue)}} | \n{{currency(guide.endValueA)}} | \n{{currency(guide.endValueB)}} | \n
\n Adam says: Using\n \n \n could result in\n {{currency(guide.fundFeesB - guide.fundFeesA)}}\n {{currency(guide.fundFeesA - guide.fundFeesB)}}\n fewer fees over\n years.\n
\n It would take another\n \n year\n for\n \n to achieve the same growth as\n .\n \n \n {{guide.extraYears*-1}} years\n for\n \n to achieve the same growth as\n .\n \n
Year | \nBaseline | \n{{guide.fundSymbolA}} | \n{{guide.fundSymbolB}} | \n
{{value.year}} | \n{{currency(value.amount)}} | \n{{currency(guide.growthA[index].amount)}} | \n{{currency(guide.growthB[index].amount)}} | \n
End Value | \n{{currency(guide.endValue)}} | \n{{currency(guide.endValueA)}} | \n{{currency(guide.endValueB)}} | \n